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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

mental buggery

today began like a regular schoolday, the primary difference being that we have an exam on wednesday and the last thing we needed was more material from mr. mumbles, our psychotic italian anthropologist.
whoa - i've begun using the word "anthropologist" as a pejorative term.


i seem to have loaded my hot chocolate with a bit too much rum - this morning's lecture was a bit hotter than usual. i didn't put in enough to distance myself completely from an experience akin to dante's inferno: he was on top form today, coasting us through two eternal hours of obscurity, strange terms, condescension, ridiculous logical fallacies, and sentences that went along the lines of "and then the two of them did... whatever..." as if we're supposed to infer meanings and develop some sort of "intuition" regarding the material that he's pettily testing us on.

i took a page out of moonflake's book, and spent a good section of the lesson attempting to make his head explode by concentrating really hard. i expected it to do so without so much blood and gore as confetti and glitter. i don't know why. maybe because he got on a "queer theory" roll again.

i was supposed to have another four seminar hours with him afterwards - happy day - so i took a fifteen minute break for lunch. when i arrived the class was half full of fellow sufferers who'd come to campus exclusively for the make-up lesson, and been let down. he was nowhere to be found!

the two gorillas (see ars poetica) were standing outside his office when i went to see if he was there. they asked if i'd recommend taking his classes, and no matter how much i despise them i really wouldn't wish hatman on anyone, not even my worst enemy. i told them, rather emphatically, that they should stay away.

he was nowhere to be found, he wasn't answering his phone and we waited the better part of an hour before giving up and checking with the department secretary. she also didn't know. she advised checking another building, and after discovering that he wasn't there we, disgruntled, disbanded. after a mass bitching session. none of us are big fans.

i was halfway home on the bus when the secretary called me to inform me that he'd magically popped up and was ready to teach. good for him; i informed her that i have an exam of his to study for and other work to do before wishing her a good day.

[a brief altercation with a bunch of arab teenagers playing music loudly on the bus. i won.]

he called me personally as i walked into my apartment, to ask if i was coming to the second half of his imaginary lesson. i'd had more than enough of him for one day, for one semester, for one lifetime, and politely declined his invitation and explained that i was more concerned about his exam in two days' time than about him marking me absent. i mumbled lame acceptance of his mumbled apology - it turns out he'd locked himself in his room the whole time we were searching for him.


i'd be a lot less pleasant if i didn't have to work with him on my seminar paper. until april :(

i was prompted to post the following to my classmates:
i have studied in three different universities, and a couple of colleges - and i have to say that [hatman] is the first lecturer i've ever had that i *HATE*. and i hate him because he's really, really bad at what he does


i passed out, and woke up to a frustrated phone call from our class ostrich. she was bitter, and with good reason - she's been absent three times, so she *had* to attend. not much i could do about that, i'm afraid.

i woke up a bit later and scribbled down plus and אo, then met with tahoma, who grabbed dinner from abulafia - a guy i used to work with, and cannot for the life of me remember his name, is in charge of our local branch and it was nice to see him. tahoma and i sat over coffee and talked for a while until pg arrived, and after he left we took the dog for a walk and talk through the park. we stopped by my aspie coworker for a bit, then returned to my place...

... where i immediately received a phone call regarding a part-time marketing (not promotion) position. sounds interesting, we'll be meeting on friday. it might provide a professional breath of fresh air :)

one of the girls in my class sent me a link to faithless - god is a dj, which sucked me back into a memory from '99 clubbing at pure. *sigh*
and i still remember all the words to faithless - insomnia. great lyrics!

bed + study time.


  1. Re exploding heads: sometimes the imagined effect is more satisfying than the reality would be. Well, except for the bit where you'd get to beg off for the rest of the day due to trauma.

  2. not to mention the fact that as much as i try to present a proud, shameless, hardcore exterior... i'd probably feel a little guilty about it.


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