
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, January 10, 2011

the lobby

today provided me with more ammunition for my theoretical thesis topic. i would have been just as excited, if a little happier, if i hadn't had to bear two, not one, ignorant confusion-producing weapons of mass-hypnosis. both into alternate healing, one only slightly less logical than the other. thank goodness our TA (who was taking the class) is bright enough to (attempt) squashing them! unfortunately, they're not so good with the listening :/

weleda (the unlikable jerk i've complained about a couple of times): "i'm a philosophy student" is not a valid basis for an argument. and your argument stinks. not a diluted kind of stink, either.


the day began with a coffee explosion: that's not the first time i've had trouble with the seats in our home building not being ground. every time i reach for my bag or twist in my chair things fly :(

i posted my "class anthem" in our group page, and was pleased to have it well received :)

i had a great lunch with pg (we discussed the ski trip that may or may not happen), and she returned with me to the location of the first class to retrieve my brolly. which had been placed, strategically, in the bin.

i spent a short couple of hours at work - the guy sharing my office whistles horribly - constructing an old-school batch file to relieve some of the testing tedium. i like "wasting time" when so much is saved afterwards, because the testing i did during the evening was an absolute pleasure as a result :D

meeting the "big cheese" ceo down from the states in the kitchen while on the phone with another potential employer... could've been timed better.

i returned to campus to vote in 2011's student union heads and hear a minister (i'm so bad with names!) talk beautifully for an hour and a half about leadership and the reconstruction of our dismembered democracy, then had to leave to meet with a man in a lobby; the whole thing reminded me too much of the suits i had trouble with in 2009.

finding the place was fun, though. the security guards and welcoming committees on all sides took very different approaches to answering "am i in the right building?"-type questions.


i picked up a chicken-liver laffa from gechalim on my way in to work that was far too tasty to be legitimately prepared, then eased into debugging. it's so satisfying to feel the system falling into place after spending such a long time fighting with its foundations! all it takes is a little care and an understanding of the importance of working correctly as opposed to quickly.

it's all very "the hare and the tortoise".

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