
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

aggressively tired

it is possible that nystire's speculation was accurate, and that i woke up during rem sleep this morning. no matter, waking up at 6am is never easy in any event. i was tired, but not actually sleepy, for the entire day. at least, until the shuttle home, when i slept pretty deeply.

the weather today was hot and dusty - standing indoors and having a hot wind blowing onto my face was unexpected and almost pleasant... but walking outside, even for a minute, was an ugly and draining experience.

breakfast wasn't good this morning - even by the army's usual crappy standards - and my egg bits kept sliding off the bread at me. topping that was nystire contemplating signing on for a managerial position, a decision i feel both he and whoever he has to work with would regret. some people are simply better suited to become experts.

the usually useful side of our local store was closed, so i had chocolate ice-cream to restart the day on a better note. it mostly worked; i was even inspired by a wild idea regarding my upcoming travel plans :)

communication breakdown:

1. we sorted out the mess of misunderstandings from thursday's lunch that continued to irk me.

2. i sat for a couple of hours today on a subject that i'm unfamiliar with, being drilled by a guy who has more difficulty expressing himself than i do *and* speaks really quickly. no amount of caffeine was going to help me feel like less of an idiot.

3. the interesting project i mentioned on thursday was explained to me ambiguously, and i discovered by the end of the day that i'd been barking up the wrong tree :/

4. urchin came by to pick something up, and if it wasn't for her i wouldn't have known that it's holocaust memorial day. i'm rather confused as to how i missed that. anyway, she told me about the polish tragedy; this turned into a fight when she not only refused to understand that it wasn't "the government" that was killed. this was less of a problem than where the argument ended up, with her suggesting that it was a weird thing to happen and therefore likely a conspiracy.

i can't stand conspiracy theorists. i quote:
"kaczynski, whose body was also said to have been found, was a former anti-communist campaigner with a penchant for taunting the kremlin. He had every reason to believe he was not welcome in russia. polish observers said he may have interpreted an order to divert to moscow as an attempt to sabotage his big day in katyn, where he was due to attend a mass and give a speech.

russian media reports said he had once become angry with a pilot who refused to land in tbilisi, the georgian capital, on the grounds that it was unsafe. The same thing may have happened at smolensk, aviation experts claimed. they suggested he may have pressed the pilot to make at least two attempts to land.

i mean, this could go either way - but i'm fairly certain that it's wiser to wait for the results of the investigation than to discuss improbabilities.


discovering that friends of mine got engaged over a week ago by stumbling across the party invitation is a little weird.


i wasn't paying attention when i sent off my cv yesterday - it was aligned all wrong :$
at least the guy was kind enough to inform me before passing it along like that...


i apparently used more freebie points than i should have in building my vampire character... *sigh*


i am definitely going to bed early tonight.


so the southpark facebook episode is amusing. fine. not worth the effort to find it, though. my first experience with rapidshare may well be my last.

this taiwanese kid has an incredible voice! now if only they could get the words vaguely right :/

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