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Friday, April 30, 2010

the wiring

it began with marshmallow coffee yesterday and an amazing track - blue pilots project - african path. i woke up feeling rested, and walked out into a pretty decent morning. it was only a matter of a minute or so before somebody put a spoke in my wheel.


one day, somebody will explain to my satisfaction how a man, dressed fairly nicely, can unashamedly toss his used tissue onto the floor - when standing no more than three metres from a trash can.
if i'd registered immediately that that's what he'd done, i wouldn't have hesitated to call him out, but even so, i was fully aware that there is absolutely nothing positive that can come out of the situation. the sheer arrogance of a man who can do that will not let him take the criticism constructively, and selfish me really wasn't ready for any verbal abuse that early in the morning.

instead, i carried around my aggravation (as much from my lack of response as from him) inside and let it bubble until i'd shared it with my SC. we had a very interesting conversation about parenting licenses - one really needs to train one's kids' sense of responsibility from an early age, otherwise the chances of them developing it seem quite small.


i didn't get a lot of work done today, although what i did manage was satisfying. my nemesis was called up for reserve duty, and posed a challenge - coming up with a word to describe the idiots on the bus who blare their music out of their cellphone speakers. i'll publish a link as soon as the urban dictionary does ;)

i was responsible for catering the unit's weekly meeting, and apparently i did a good job. i didn't help set up, though - i was at the doctor having my suspicions confirmed (slipped disc trouble, and not particularly serious) and receiving authorization to return to physiotherapy :)

i spoke to my cousin about my travel plans, and learned something disturbing: apparently it's in the order of $2000 cheaper for me to travel to the states and canada, then back to tel aviv, and then on to japan and india. that's twice around the world! seems a bit ridiculous to me.

the alternative ride, idiot-girl and i struggled to organize a lift to the wedding, and it was only once we'd arrived there that i discovered that the guy who was supposed to help us out hadn't received any of my calls, in spite of the fact that i'd heard it ringing and even left him voicemail. this is not the first time that's happened, and has only made me gladder that i don't rely entirely on my sat-phone like so many others do.


on the way back to tel aviv to get ready, idiot-girl and i had a fight about how i define friends. i find it absolutely pathetic - especially after everything i went through with gn1 - when people can't simply meet others and connect. why bring all your baggage into the equation? why should a friend of a few days be less of a friend that one of a few years? it's not always possible to connect so quickly, because doing that requires that both sides are freely trusting... but that "not always" becomes a "never" if you are not willing to take a chance.


on my walk to the bus, i noticed that the girl in front of me was grabbing leaves from the bushes on the side of the pavement, and i decided to ask her what she was up to. we debated all the way to the station, and while her arguments were compelling and better than mine, i just found out that i was in the right.

if the leaves are green and functional, and not completely obscured from the light, then it's harmful to the plant to remove them.


the alternative ride doesn't deal well with buses. he was shocked and embarrassed that he was reduced to using public transport to get to a wedding, and surprised when i explained to him that in addition to saving him petrol money and parking frustration, it also affords him the ability to drink as much as he wants...

and that's just the argument for not driving a car in general - let's not go into too much detail about people who spent stupid amounts of money in order to have "the prettiest car".


i got in touch with a bunch of people, and i think i may be sorted for getting to tonight's party. so far, the most difficult option is a shuttle up to haifa at 4am, which isn't so bad.

the wedding ceremony was a bit anti-religious, but beautiful nonetheless. the food was good and the music was excellent! the highlight was the dude making balloon hats and wings - absolutely masterful work and very cool ideas :)

my SC gave the three of us a ride home, and idiot-girl and i had one or two incidents where i ended up shouting her down - she was totally on form. when we eventually got to ramat gan, she expressed an apology for having been offensive and said that in truth she really does like me... i told her she has a funny way of showing it.

we had a civil conversation from then on, although i feel kind of bad because just before she got off the bus, i said something in a way that couldn't have been taken kindly. i told her that her biggest problem is that she keeps digging away at petty details and completely misses the big picture; one cannot achieve anything useful by seeking a rational explanation for everything that is irrational about the psyche. a human being with no paradoxes inside would simply disappear in a puff of logic.

i'm surprised at how much i drank last night. i went to bed fairly early, waking up to a lot of online chatting and now trying to figure out if i'm going to be a zombie today or not.

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