i got my three hours, but only because i unconsciously slept in. my body made a decision that i couldn't counter, and i felt like a real tit when i woke up at 7.30. i got into base *just* shy of the 10am "you're on holiday" cut-off, and i'm really glad because i can think of nothing worse than making an effort to get to base on time, failing, and turning what could have at least been a (paid for) free day into a pointless travel nightmare.
tuesday's post:
[health] my knees were in a bad way yesterday morning, as was my neck and upper back. my fall seems to have taken out my [rhomboid / trapezius, i can't really tell] as well (as could have been expected, but i'd been doing so well for the last while...).
i began the day in the doctor's office. he was
not happy to see me. he gave me antihistamines and told me that
friday night's sensation was probably purely psychological. he was agitated and rough when he checked my knees.
how am i supposed to know if i've done damage to them? i'm not a doctor. i'd rather err on the side of caution (he says ironically).
[code] i learned a big c# lesson in the morning: a function call in a boolean expression
may not be evaluated. as in, on principle. this threw me out completely. i can't get behind a design decision like that. for instance, if i write
if (IndexOf("a") >= 0) {i would expect the
IndexOf function to be called and its return value tested. is that just me?
[social] over lunch i discovered that a guy in my unit's friend's girlfriend's friend is the girl who moved into my old apartment when i left. i find the fact that i heard about this from him when i've never met her nor spoken to him to be a bit weird.
[code] i finished writing a replace function the wrong way. by this i mean that i find each instance of the queried text and create a new string from the text before it, the replacement string and the text after it. this ruined the undo functionality.
it didn't occur to me that search and replace would be
built into the control. it sucks not being connected to the internet at work, and having no msdn.
i did create an incidental feature, though, and one which i would welcome in most of my environments. i don't limit the number of search and replace windows you can open, meaning i can perform multiple searches or replaces simultaneously :)
perl is llama hate juice. i spent most of the afternoon debugging the scripts i thought i'd finished.
a) i hadn't fully tested them. i made the incorrect assumption that the pre-processed stuff would be constructed in the same way. it's not. at all.
b) it would appear that the scripts run differently on my computer. this makes for an incredibly frustrating experience when running it from someone else's.
c) we've learned a lot. mostly about how annoying perl is.
on the move i had a nap on the shuttle home, that i sorely needed. lipgirl and i had made plans to meet for coffee, but she wasn't answering her phone so i headed off to the book store. they've been giving me alerts, this one for a pop-up version of a collection of
dr seuss. it's not
robert sabuda, but it's very good nonetheless.
[recreation] i made myself a quick supper and sat online, catching up and posting, until it was time to go. i made it on time, which meant that the group was going to leave late :P
i chatted with a cute girl that cycled with us a few weeks back, and she's decided she wants to blade as well. she was really excited when i offered lessons :)
we had a huge group last night: summer's definitely on its way! i had a long chat with one of the girls, and was turned shy on hearing that i've become a topic of conversation amongst the females of the pack :P
the route was long and there were plenty of hills. i was surprised to find myself and especially my knees in excellent shape - the longest run we did i sprinted with a beer in hand, and i handled the speedy south tel aviv streets with ease :)
a couple of us were shocked to discover that there's a guy with us who's not only vegan (the principled kind that i don't particularly appreciate) but
doesn't like chocolate. i find the idea of not enjoying something as basic as that (to me, at any rate, i wouldn't last without it) really sad. having him regale us with horror stories of chocolate ice-cream was simply
we finished off the evening at the penguin club - i've been wondering about its whereabouts for a while because they have supposedly good weekly trance parties. we all had fun trying to dance on blades, the music was pretty sweet and the vibe was comfortable. it was a shame to have to leave early.
as usual :P
i bladed back with a couple of my neighbours and got home around 2.30am. i sat online to finish posting, had a shower, and went to bed not really tired.
[moving] i went to sleep around 4am, and woke up at 6am. i hadn't received any responses to the messages i'd sent the night before, but i assumed i'd be able to catch our SC anyway. at 6.30am i forced myself to stop snoozing and prepared to get myself out of bed, but then i woke up and an hour had gone by. no responses to my frantic sms'es, shaving was a blur (and i was seeing funny colours) and every motion was a mission.
at least i had enough presence of mind to walk out with tea and biscuits.
i'm really bothered by one specific aspect of public transport: i'm exceptionally uncomfortable with rubbing my eyes after i've held on to any features in the bus :/
i read bits and napped bits on the way to the base, and was shocked to receive a call from my TL when i was already on the internal bus asking why i hadn't reported in. it was only after i got in that i discovered that my sat-phone wasn't working, hadn't been the entire night, and i'd missed a ton of calls and messages - most importantly from my SC :(
[bondage] i was thrown a roll for breakfast, as the first thing when i arrived - pre-coffee - was being dragged into a meeting about the project i was hoping to be done with already. as soon as that was done i gave the sat-phone company a call. after having vented as little as possible (it couldn't be helped, some things just had to be said as the calls are recorded :P) i was informed that "yeah, that shit happens from time to time and you'll just have to deal with it". wonderful!
military phones don't need to actually
work, right?
i decided over lunch with him that i'm going to try ignoring captain incompetent, in spite of the fact that he's responsible for me as far as work is concerned. i'll probably get away with it.
i tried to get back to work, but i passed out at my desk. fortunately, i came around just before our unit commander arrived :$
perl anguish was put aside for spring cleaning. i haven't sat at my desk in almost two months, and one of my "team-mates" (all descriptions are tricky of late) came outside to "ask" (beg, plead, and guilt) me to clean it. i, erm,
volunteered* to do them a favour and handled the basic dusting. then discovered that we're undergoing an inspection tomorrow and nobody had thought to inform me. i grabbed some cleaning equipment and rushed to my "office" to scrub and tidy, while my formal TL (
the dog-tag breaker) shredded whatever remained of my personal effects.
he couldn't understand why i took umbrage.
* i was going to say "acquiesced". wrong word.
[society] the telephone technician called in an attempt to convince me to come home early tomorrow so he could install it at a time more convenient for him. i'm impressed that he caught my tone of voice so quickly when i explained that "i have a job".
[bondage] i sat with one of the guys, fighting with perl until the end of the day. i *think* i may be on to something. perl sucks.
[summary] after managing to get some rest on the shuttle home, i've been sitting at my pc posting, watching
the big bang theory and
how i met your mother, chatting online (wow -
empathy for both facebook and google chat is impressive), and am finally getting up to go and see
panic ensemble with scrapper.