i almost missed the shuttle this morning... my timing is getting worse and worse. i slept fairly well on it, though. the day was mostly unproductive, as i've been given a task that's rather daunting and i'm feeling inadequately equipped for it. also, i was distracted by formally beginning the holiday application process (yay!), paying for my ticket to south africa (hooray!), finding clever solutions to problems we still aren't sure exist, discussing dreams (and why i'm not deciphering mine) with nyah-nyah, eating (lunch seemed decent... my tongue must be losing its ability to distinguish right from wrong), and arguing with my incredibly sharp and culturally aware TL who believes that london is completely lacking in interesting things to see and do - he believes that be'er sheva (our desert city - students, the poor and nomads) is a superior destination.
for his positive moment for the day - we saw some kids spraying a car with water, and he actually volunteered to investigate the water waste. i feel quite proud :)
i napped on the shuttle home, hunted the details for a nameless disc i'm sitting with (unsuccessful), and then left - stopping by the corner cafe to buy coke and chocolates (in place of an energy drink... not as effective).
from yet another fantastic experience with the "youth of today" - i know way more than i want to know about a bunch of girls who consider themselves cool because they're so stupid. they weren't happy with my request that they tone it down:
totalwaste thinks you were being particularly annoying on the bus. "freedom of speech"?! if a man in the street walked up to you, dropped his pants and began to urinate, you'd no doubt be upset. i don't propose to tell him not to pee at all... what you're doing is pissing on me verbally. stop it.that's what i should have said :/
i spent most of the ride frustrated, staring at the same sentence and unable to ignore the nasal idiocy behind me. at least i had support from others around me when i told them they were pushing it (although they'd been pushing it the entire time).
training was enlightening. the mouth-breather pissed me off, but our replacement instructor worked with me and we figured out what's been wrong with my roundhouse for the last couple of weeks... i spent so much time with the side kick, and badly balancing it, that i stopped holding my weight right. correcting it took a lot of effort and no small amount of pain, but it's definitely better and i know what to do about it now.
the bus ride back began with hillman
after quickly giving up a debate with myself regarding which comes first, the tuna or the salad, i put the two together with sweetcorn and watched an episode of the big bang theory. now that i've dealt with the excessive quantity of dishes, i'm off to bed. again. it never ends :P
this post closed off happily with sufi - playground.
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