
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, November 30, 2009

bombed, soon heading out

i'm sitting at my pc, exhausted but i can't nap because the electricians here making sure it looks like my apartment has been turned inside out during a hurricane...

on my way back to work i met with nystire to shop and have lunch. and resume complaining about yesterday's irritation with my TL and my team-mate. i had no idea that when i'd arrive back at my desk, things would get out of hand and my team-mate would be put into an even worse situation than the one that concerned me...

i took my TL out to the corridor for a chat, and explained to him the same thing that i explained to our SC a few months back: it doesn't matter if you're justified or not, it doesn't matter if you're fair or not... it matters that your soldier thinks you are...; he eventually agreed to try to find a way to sort things out. i let him know exactly what i think about his and our SC's way of "sorting things out", which is generally them asking someone to do it and then saying "we tried our best" when the answer invariably comes back negative.

a short while later, i turned around to discover that our office was filled with people - they sang, gave me an amusing birthday rhyme to read and then handed me a gift: it's a bowl for candy with a motion-sensing witch that defends it with her broomstick and cackles. delightful!

it's perfect for me, because everyone's always coming over to eat whatever's on my desk :P

i had a fight with my morning ride over the use (or, in my opinion, rampant abuse) of acronyms in our documents. i think that shortening a word by two letters to a non-standard acronym that's in direct conflict with a well-known and accepted one is bullshit.
כ"א is "human resources", not "every one (of)", and it distracts me every time i have to think which one the author intended. that's just one example, but he got angry with me for being patronising in my request for the practice to end.

it's fantastic that we all share a sense of humour. we each think the other is extremely unfunny; nothing we say translates in either direction :/

the day eventually did end on a good note - i finished a section of work that's been quite trying, and the goto guy and i had an amusing chat on the way back to tel aviv.

i came home, got out of uniform (mostly), put on a pair of shorts and then heard the doorbell ring: the electrician. he was here a few minutes when the girl i bought the backpack for rocked up (with milka chocolate, nice!), and we sat chatting over coffee for an hour or so before she had to go.

i've been in front of the computer since then - mostly responding on facebook: i don't think i've ever received so many birthday wishes before - it's a bit disorientating! soon i'm going to have to do a quick re-clean (experience tells me it's not going to be spotless when he leaves) before heading out to the barby for the AIDS awareness concert.

how it should have does have some pretty cool stuff :)

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