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Thursday, November 19, 2009

high heels

i don't find heels attractive on women (or men, but that's a different discussion altogether), primarily because i think it's silly to wear something on your feet that's bad for your legs.

in israel, however, i have even more of a reason to find them unsexy: the girls here [broad generalization alert*] don't *know* how to wear them.
i'm not just talking about them being inappropriate for the rest of the outfit - including the girl in question's weight classification - but specifically the technique. if you don't know how to do it, they make you walk funny and look ridiculous.

the women's liberation movement made a fundamental and totally impractical mistake with their symbolism: keep the bras, BURN THE HEELS.

and if you absolutely *must*, then at least do yourself a favour and learn the walk before you leave the house.

*and please pardon the pun

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