
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

armchair philosophy

i didn't get nearly enough sleep last night. i walked into my office this morning and immediately sat down to finish what was left from last night, and when it was all tidy i brought it through to the guy who so desperately needed it... who wasn't there.

i called him up to find out that he was going straight to his destination, so i'd need to get it to him electronically. i had a birthright meeting at 9.30, and 45 minutes simply wasn't enough.

mission failed.

i was so busy beating myself up about it, on top of beating off a crazy headache, that i pretty much lost my ability to focus and speak at the meeting. i didn't screw that up completely, but i could have been more useful.

maybe even smiled, but by that stage i was certain that my sense of humour had failed. i sleepwalked back to my base afterwards, mindlessly ate a sandwich for lunch, and wandered back to my office. i stopped outside to chat with a girl from our building, and she asked why i was looking so out of it.

"oh. well why didn't you just fax it?"

GOOD LORD. the idea of transferring paper to a distant destination by fax never even dawned on me. who uses such absurdly primitive technology?! i'm reminded of another amusing story... although i just found it being called on snopes. oh well, it's the principle of the thing, i guess :P

at least i got a good laugh out of it. i worked like a madman for the rest of the afternoon, driving myself nuts but actually managing to get a reasonable amount finished. cry freedom! from the hilltops! VACATION!!

i got home, and convinced spot to join me for coffee. we had an enthralling conversation about the meaning of life, the universe and everything.


we were still arguing back and forth when we got home, then went shopping, and it all ended with the following:
spot, if you write something worthy enough, i'll kill you myself.
then i'll tell people "it was his philosophy that killed him", and then tell everyone i know to read your book.
now that i've showered, blogged and learned some new things with the gimp*, i'm about ready to drag my already wasted ass out to see if i can remember how to have proper fun.

* post-mortem, so the picture above isn't representative.

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