spot and i were discussing the distinct lack of fridge-quotes (ignoring the couple i've posted on my blog) since we moved in, but i feel that today's bits and pieces make up for that.
my neck is painted lobster right now, and i can feel the heat. at least everything else seems fine. i didn't mean for my commander to see my nipple piercing: i took off my shirt in a vain attempt to even out the tan after he dropped nystire and me off, and for some reason he drove past us again :S
in reference to the photo above, i thought that anyone else sharing moonflake's take on scientology would enjoy this slashdot discussion... i know i did.
a great moment inspired by questionable content:
i don't remember what we were discussing that involved old ladies, when i heard nystire's teammate (who is a COMPLETE space-cadet) mumbling something about "i haven't done that yet".
"you've never had sex with an old lady?"
<pause for laughter and a few jokes>
directed at my commander: "he's never gotten the opportunity to say 'happy birthday grandma!' during sex"
i'm quite impressed with my TL for managing to stay on the road while laughing that hard :>
during a historical explanation (i hate using an historical, i can hear the 'h'!) our guide made mention of the religious (specifically christian) habit of keeping a dead saint's body parts around as "holy artifacts": cue austin power jokes about limbs.
"gimme a hand, wouldya?"
"geez, i offer you the finger and you take the whole arm!"
"i'm sorry, i've got two left feet"
"i see you've got a good head on you" (that certainly lends a certain something to the expression "giving head")
"are you eyeballing me?"
and worse...
we have a guy of indian (dots not feathers) origin in our group, while getting the barbeque on the go he was given the grill to hold while our commander fanned the flames:
"hey, it's hot! just 'cause i'm indian doesn't mean i don't feel it!"
... and that led on to an amusing conversation about necklacing, but then nystire and i had to explain what that is. one of the guys in our section led that thought on to the story i told him about the cannibal they caught in natal a couple of years ago (where they showed on the news the cops hauling off the pot with limbs sticking out), and soon after the meat was ready to serve.
so to sum up my day:
i left too early, and spent an hour waiting on the side of the road. at least i had good music to keep me company.
the first part of the trip was nice, but i was in the "city of david" (a complete misnomer) last year and that was still relatively fresh in my memory.
lipgirl called me up, it's her birthday tomorrow and i'm invited :)
the barbecue was nice, there was enough food but too many flies, and i enjoyed sitting up on the side of the hill reminiscing about sitting on the side of table mountain and lion's head - growing up on the side of the mountain definitely gave me an attachment to anything resembling :P
we went to a place called "mini-israel". if this place had been in the states, it would have been appropriate. rather disneyland-ish, i don't think that it's the kind of place to visit if you have the ability to go to the places themselves. you've come all the way to israel, and you're not going to do the tourist thing? don't go visit some crappy scaled-down version of the country's notable locations.
i've been online longer than i anticipated, i think it's a reflex after last night: my connection was fine, but the damn router went down.
now to nap before hitting the cocktail room.
"involved poor judgement" indeed
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