it's like my character in fallout 2 was having a bad dream. i got to a town, and got stuck at some point with a severe lack of dialogue options. so i opened fire. i began shooting everyone in sight, until i'd wiped out the entire town's population.
and they say there's a lot of violence in video games.
every shot tore the target in half, and i walked through the town firing, taking three steps, and firing again. i was the wind of death. at some point i realized that i was simply wasting my time, and began to get irritated with myself (just one more turn!) until i closed the game, discarding the gratuitous violence and gore and letting my otherwise good-natured character forget the whole thing had ever happened.
it's an interesting form of stress relief - they should make it mandatory in big corporations and government agencies.
... back to reality ...
so i lay down with hyperion, but the story was so good that i didn't get to sleep until 10pm, after setting my alarm to wake me around midnight.
the mongoose called around 1.45am, and i realized that spot was home and that i'd missed my alarm repeatedly. apparently spot had tried to wake me up - he's known me for six years, and i've explained repeatedly that if i'm not sitting up, i'm talking in my sleep. so i got up, annoyed at our tardiness in getting to the meimad.
the walk there got my head together, and it was an AWESOME party. just brilliant. good music the whole night, some fantastic girls... okay, one in particular that gave me a headache: she's a friend of mine's ex, and he was there thrashing with us. at some point i pushed her over to him and apologized for not being able to stop staring; this resulted in an amusing discussion of the amount of "inbreeding" within the alternative scene (she's now dating another friend of his), and a request from her to smack him :P
again: tool - vicarious on a REAL sound system is simply mind-blowing. a must-have experience >D
so we walked out of there around 6am, i guess, with the world muted and full of silliness. spot, ta2 and i went to a great place on ibn gvirol that i've been walking past and never gone into since i dated lake, and although it was expensive it was a fantastic breakfast.
i crashed wonderfully when i got home, and woke up about half an hour earlier than intended. the neighbours have organized a massive sound system for what seems to be a celebration, and they started off testing it out with solid psy-trance. i went out for a smoke, and was planning on lending them one of the discs i bought in south africa, but they'd already moved on to crappy music so i used the same disc to cover it up :)
we've just finished cleaning, and re-arranging (pretty!), and soon we're off for the jewish version of bonfire night with my previous section - i couldn't join them last year, but this should be a lot of fun.
ten worst spiderman tie-ins
EVIL news, screwing up net radio
will ferrel's funny site
i have a better idea - software that reminds people subconsciously of just how worthless they are if they need this shit.
damned if you do, damned if you don't
the entrance to our apartment
our new lounge set-up: heck, it looks like we actually live here now ^_^
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