well, i'm not the only person who's had that combination of words run through his head. i don't know who this kandyjaxx person is, so if you're feeling magnanimous check out the link and maybe it'll make up for me stealing it.
this morning was almost as bad as yesterday, i daresay the drugs helped a bit but the overall effect of sleeplessness combined with the inability to function because of a blocked nose frustrated my efforts to be even slightly productive - in my terms, at least. i still got more useful things done than most people would in a regular day :P
including discovering that some people have just as much important stuff on their minds as i do. spot - the kid beats you hands down when it comes to the english language.
my cv is in serious need of a kick in the teeth; i need to spend some time rewriting the damn thing, the more i look at it the more dissatisfied i become.
i called up a major i've never met this morning, and i handled the introduction a bit badly. i've always maintained that i'm terrible on the phone, and i got shouted at for a while before we managed to get things straightened out, and then it was an extremely positive conversation. i understood most of it, even - i just wasn't sure when the call ended what i was supposed to do about it.
i've been back on the base for most of two weeks already, and i'm still being questioned by every other person as to what i'm doing there. evading interrogation is becoming quite tedious :(
lunch was a mediocre shuwarma; at least the chilli peppers were helpful. my sinuses were alright for the better part of an hour after that.
i forgot to mention that we had a meeting about pile's progress yesterday. i just sat eating jellybeans while the kid, our TL and our SC ripped into him about his lack of discipline.
i somehow walked out with a pat on the back... i can't figure out how i "did a good job" if he's such a crappy soldier. at least he's learned enough to be useful, which i guess is good enough at this stage.
i spent most of the afternoon playing spider solitaire and figuring out how i'm going to finish the project i've been assigned to complete by thursday. i now have a cunning plan, but only tomorrow am i going to be able to meet with people who have a clue as to how i'm supposed to implement it. no pressure, especially not when i'm feeling sick. huh.
tomorrow is the kid's birthday, and i haven't done a damn thing about it. i suck.
i managed to fix a bug in one of my apps, and it was a really stupid one. a side-effect of a modification that i hurriedly made for nql. i'm embarrassed. on the positive side of the night, i've just discovered that our provider has finally fixed a major bug, so one of my other apps can go online.
well, as soon as i've rewritten the damn thing because i screwed it up for the testing :S
i dink dad'th all for dow.
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