i spent my entire army day stressing, going head to head with my SC and losing, and then watching him moving mountains with a teaspoon. the man is seriously stubborn, and refused to allow me to sign off the month. as much as i trust him and respect his abilities (he talks softly and carries a fuck-off big morning-star), i don't have faith in the rest of the involved parties so i can't relax.
work tonight was a pleasure - nql showed me how to get around the fact that php's class model is the worst implementation i've ever come across. EVERYTHING has to be self-referenced, no matter the damn scope. twits, whoever thought up that one.
spot's got five black adder seasons on dvd, so i've been familiarizing myself. it's alright, i actually snickered a bit during the second episode.
pc / mac
could this news calm the rabid horde?
s'not exactly fair...
a big waste of tech
i can't stop myself from blaming one particular person for the mess my life's been since i got back from south africa: there's a single girl responsible for my current shite, who i'd specifically told to get in touch with me if there was anything wrong. not letting us know really made it all go pear-shaped.
less than six days to go :'(
<previous comment deleted on account of it being really unfunny>