i'm completely non-functioning at the moment. i can't get my head productively engaged, i've been assigned something really boring and i did something odd with the vim editor that has left a permanent stain (an ugly yellow highlight) on my files regardless of how many times i log off and log back on. i can't find anything in the help, because isn't supposed to be helpful, so i decided, painfully, to switch to emacs.
but now i can't remember stupid things like home and end. now i'm really frustrated.
to be fair, it all started when i woke up at 6.30 this morning. i brushed my teeth, i shaved, i got in the shower... and then suddenly remembered that i couldn't go off to the induction base because i needed my new papers signed.
so i went back to bed - putting on the aircon for half an hour because it was absolutely bloody FREEZING (i don't know how i disengaged from my duvet in the first place), and then woke up again to get dressed. i gotta admit that a long-sleeve army shirt that was tossed my way a few weeks ago (and i laughed at the tosser [hah!]) really made my day.
the kid and i got to the base, but our section's power was out so we couldn't get any work done. piles showed off the cool stuff we did on thursday, i learned about dog-tags using wikipedia (interesting stuff, actually), and then suddenly our section was off to the lincoln to while away the outage.
we had a section tournament, which i won (of course), and it was quite a lot of fun. especially playing against our nco and watching him improve in real time :)
we had a toasted lunch afterwards, and our TL released us for the day. i had to go back to base anyway, to get those papers signed. i'd missed the mongoose's ex's farewell ceremony... that sucks :(
i left early, and came to work. i have been utterly useless aside from maybe a few minutes, and i think i just need to get some rest. i'm not tired, my brain's simply not forthcoming with anything vaguely intellectual. i've been thinking more and more about my options if i accidentally get released in a couple of weeks' time, and the whole story is actually fairly depressing :S
couple that with a girl i haven't spoken to in a while getting in touch with me to whine and moan about her breaking up with someone, and all i can think of while typing to her is how remarkably uninteresting i find her.
i've read the top 100 bashquotes, had a laugh, and now i'm going for a smoke before trying one last time to get something DONE.
no no - vim is what you use to burn your eyes out. napalm is for cleaning :D