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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

it's all upside down - including my frown

i started off the day walking to the "city officer". j-girl was supposed to join me, but she arrived in the area about an hour late. i realized as i left my apartment that i'd brilliantly managed to leave my referral on base. this is not the first time.

i came up with the brilliant scheme of the scout taking a bus and meeting me at azrieli with the paper. five minutes after i pitched this idea, he called me back to ask why he couldn't just fax it directly to them... genius! :P

everything at the clinic went smoothly. the girl who took the blood was rather good, and we had an interesting discussion when we realized that we're both, army-wise, in the same situation. not a lot of us around.

j-girl met me as i walked out, and we had ice-cream for breakfast before returning to the base, just in time for lunch. we'd spent the entire time having a very serious argument. nothing spells relationship like a good fight.

i went with the mongoose for humus, which was okay, but we were both exhausted. we talked a lot, and then i went through to his section to see some of his work. one of the guys in his section came to talk to me - his grandfather had passed away 2 hours prior, and it's the first time he's had to deal with a death in the family. there really isn't a hell of a lot to say in those situations. it reminded me of the relatively recent deaths in mine...

returned to my section, around 1.30pm or so. spent a while teaching the scout the merge-sort algorithm, and discussing higher education in computer science. and then we really goofed for a while.

j-girl came around, and we finally got to the crux of the matter. that doesn't mean that it's all gravy, but it's definitely on the right track. i spent the last half hour actually doing the work i was meant to, and in a flash of brilliance managed to complete it by placing the responsibility (for the last part) squarely on someone else's shoulders. i could leave the base with a clear conscience.

i went with j-girl to the train station. on the bus, nearing the station, something between us just clicked.

nothing spells relationship like a good make up.

in fact, twice as we were making out on a park bench, police slowed down - and i have to admit it was quite exhiliarating to continue in spite of the possibility of serious shit for public indecency in uniform. this girl may just be wild enough for me. two of her buses later, she returned to jerusalem and i bumblingly attempted to perambulate to my stop. it took me a good 20 minutes to walk normally again.

i do hope my birthday present from her goes something along those lines

a pleasant walk home, stopping for a quick bite on the way, and i'm now running laundry, and taking a nap until it's done.


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