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Thursday, December 25, 2003


*** 23rd ***

i was supposed to go to taekwondo, but the guys who were buying my oven were scheduled to arrive at 17.00, and i wouldn't have made it back in time.

they only arrived at 20.30, or thereabouts. stupid pricks.
at least i got rid of the damn thing. now i'm working on selling my fridge.

SxS picked me up quite late, and we went off to tel-aviv to work on our applied project.
we got almost nothing done.

*** yesterday ***

on the way back from tel-aviv, SxS and i stopped in to a fast-food joint (about 3am) for burgers and chips. it was really cold, but i was really desperate for food.

i got to bed around 5am, and to be honest, i don't even know what i did for the missing hour or so. i woke up at 11.00, to go to a "meeting".

the meeting started off really badly, with me forgetting the name of the person i was meeting with. i'd met her months before, and spoken to her fairly regularly in the time since.
needless to say, she was quite offended.
the meeting went okay, and i received another tutorial in oracle's portal software. i learned something.

i spent the rest of my time on campus organizing meetings, which is a bit irritating, as it means i got nothing productive done.

i got home around 16.30, and passed out. i slept till 19.30, and my study partner came over, and we worked on our c homework until 23.30. my vision was blurry, and my brain was fuzzy from dealing with various degrees of pointerdom. almost all of our issues stemmed from trying to send struct** to struct***, and so on, and it's all because the method signatures are given, and we're not allowed to change them.

after she left, i had supper, and our brit, grootbek and i watched a national geographic documentary on jurassic crocodiles.

*** today ***

and some welsh people, in a hardcore version of jackass.

i have tons of homework to do, as usual, and now is not a good time to start. i wish i had a reasonable excuse...

i'm enjoying a nice hot cup of soup before i begin, though - makes me feel all warm and tingly.

i just remembered! i was supposed to go to karnaf's christmas bash!
oh, pooh.
hopefully we'll get it right for new year's...

merry christmas, everyone!

*** later ***

i had a long day today. i got up at 08.30, and got to the pharmacy at 09.40.

all over the world, the medical industry (i think that's the right word) is advocating the use of condoms, both for HIV protection, and for birth-control. the cheapest condoms i've been able to find in this country are NIS 27 (R40) for 12.
WHAT THE #@$%?!?!?!

i got to university at 10.15, all ready for our first meeting, but noone else was there. so i did all the prepwork myself, and one of the guys made it at about 11.45.
we entered the meeting without our project manager. that was a little embarrassing.

the meeting went really well, in fact, with our project manager arriving after about half an hour, and the meeting itself lasting a good hour and a half. we learned all sorts of things, agreed on all sorts of things, and managed to get a lot of preparation done for the next meeting on sunday, with the boss.

we'd missed a class, so we went to talk to the lecturer, who was quite happy that we'd come, and gave us all sorts of material, and some helpful advice.

after lunch, i went to the library, and did the algorithms homework. it was really simple, but i was exhausted, and found it quite rough. but i did it.

our next class was in international economics and trade. normally, our lecturer is clear and concise. today, i can only describe his lecture as the ramblings of a madman. and whoever developed those theories in the first place, had some severe freudian issues, and should have been killed, quickly and quietly, and buried with his notes.
the sketchings and equations made no sense whatsoever, and totally contradicted every basic mathematics principle i've ever learned.
and there were too - many - stars.

during class, due to the overwhelming and disturbing nature of the material, i took a break, and went to talk to some friends of mine. through them, i gained some interesting ammunition for our sunday meeting, and i'm starting to get really excited for it: we're gonna kick some ASS! (if the guy listens to us, at least)

i got a ride home, and found her waiting outside for me.
* GRIN *
we spent some time talking about bits of the last two weeks, and she went off to babysit.

i had a shower, and made myself a snack, and didn't do any sleeping. i tried playing counterstrike, but our internet's slowed down, mainly by grootbek uploading gay porn again.

i have plans to go with her to a free-sushi party tonight, but it's still in the air...

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