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Tuesday, December 23, 2003


*** 20th ***

i slept late saturday, and spent the afternoon doing homework, and playing counterstrike. i watched taxi driver,

*** 21st ***

before going to sleep (around 3am).

i slept quite a lot (i needed it), and basically did c homework the whole afternoon.

i went to a friend's place, and got some exercise (they have a pull-up bar, and stairs that equate to a set of monkey-bars).
we had some coffee, and i gave online (telephonic) c# tutorials.
oh well.

i went home, got dressed up (black jeans, smart black shirt, my dvd belt, and more or less (more less than more) decent shoes.

about eight of us met up at the taxi rank, and went off to the residence of the president of our university, for an "event".

lots of shmoozing, and some good food. the evening went well.

SxS and i left early, and went to our friend in pituach's place, where they were just setting up for a party - which turned out to be the most chilled house-party i've ever been to. really, really nice.

*** yesterday ***

i finally got to sleep at 3am, again, got up at 07.30, and arrived at class just after 08.20. class was okay, but for the second half we had a guest lecturer, who taught us all sorts of shit about aquisitions and mergers, which was really sweet.

and, as is usual for mondays, this was followed by the most boring lecture in the world. he's employing a new trick - holding off the class quiz till the end, so that noone gets to leave early.

got into a couple of political arguments today - which turned fairly ugly, so we gave up - and then sat in the library doing accounting homework.
went well. hmmph.

accounting class was okay, and then i hurried home, hoping to make it in time to eat before training.

i am *such* a lazy bastard. i went to see lord of the rings instead, with grootbek and our brit.

most of it was fan-friggin'-tastic. some of it was complete shite, and some of it was downright aweful. but all-in-all, i did enjoy it.

*** today ***

we got into a really obscure argument after the movie: "can lord of the rings really be considered good literature?"
how does one define good literature?

anyway, grootbek tried to get involved in the argument, and i shot him down from the start, as he has no clue when it comes to intelligent arguments.
i was a bit too rough with him though, and now he's all offended again, and threatening to disconnect me from the internet.
very mature.
so now i have to be extra-specially nice to him. i suppose i deserve it though, i've been far from patient with him, and he is like a little retarded kid - you just CAN'T be mean to one.

i'm about to have a shower - hopefully .NET will have finished installing on my machine before bedtime...

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