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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

the driver

it's been many years - no, it's been never. last night *i* drove to the wedding (albeit with pg's car), and gave a ride to grootbek and yogi. what a pleasure to reciprocate!

the wedding was wonderful, although we may have consumed too much. the food was excellent. the music was great (mostly), and everything was as it should be.

i was pleased when SxS's cousin's wife took me aside to tell me that she's never seen me looking happier: everyone i've met within the last few years has met me in super-awkward mode and usually possessed of a rather glum disposition... i'm free!


the mundane:

work was unexciting, i got a callback for a job interview that annoyed me (they want me to come in for a day's testing next week), and i got frustrated on the way to the wedding because the honda's locking button doesn't unlock and it's not easy to differentiate between it and the window button. i hate bad interfaces.


the political:

remember, it's always a choice! in this case everyone who doesn't participate is choosing for a bunch of lazy anti-zionists to take our money."

"What makes you think a protest will help anything?"

"what makes you think that sitting at home will help? have you really given up? do you waste time voting? is the fact that you're not willing to try because you don't believe it'll work, or because you're using that as an excuse not to participate? are you okay with the fact that you, along with the majority of this country, have no representation?

what will it take for you to get and say something?
are you waiting for the real tragedy?"

"oh, I get up and say alot...
I just dont bother with protests anymore, as they don't work.
I'm trying to influence people around me so that next election they vote for big parties rather than small ones... for example."

"see, in my opinion that's NOT the way to do it - we *need* all of those little parties, because they represent whoever votes for them. what we need is for people to *stop* voting for the big ones, and to *ban* coalition governments as anti-democratic.

if you can't pass a law because you have too much opposition, perhaps it shouldn't be passed.

unless you can find a big party with a good plan and real concern for our future as its constituents. they didn't get so powerful because they care."

"I disagree.
The reason why we have so much instability is that there are so many parties with so many agendas whose votes need to be "bought" in order for the coalition to get the support it needs.

For example, the only reason these 100 million NIS are going to pay for Haredi laziness is that Netanyahu needs Shas's support in the coming takziv vote and so he needs to buy those votes.

If Shas members were members of Likud they wouldn't have nearly as much power as they do today.

Te fact that at any given time a party can withdraw from the coalition and break up the government is a joke.
To prevent this we need two parties or thee big parties, at the most."

totalwaste, small parties are always proven as inadequate as the big ones, once they are in office.
The only way to get the government to begin taking accountability for the people's needs is to start forcing them to take it.
In the courts and by forcing the government to change the electoral system.
Protesting won't do it, as they have learnt that if they tell a protester they will do what he wants, and then two days later change their mind - no one will remember."

"you don't realize that you've just proved my point? if a "democratic" government can't reach an agreement on something, then IT'S THE WRONG WAY TO GO. the very idea of "buying votes" is absurdly anti-democratic.

accountability? where? who? what?!

what you're asking for is a totalitarian government. which is pretty much what we have. just say it. pick your poison.


i suppose, at the end of the day, what interests me is not whether everything's screwed up or not.

if it has to be screwed up, let it be because i chose badly, and not because someone else chose for me."


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