i began the day furiously studying wordsworth - not easy in a hurry. i wasn't feeling good even before getting on the bus, and couldn't concentrate... forgetting to bring the anime with me, which i paid for in having to return home hurriedly after class to pick up my discs...
after the second bus experience, i began to wonder if i'm not coming down with something... carrying the anthology would have been a strain in any event. it was.
after the first class, i finally got back the result that i was worried about. i was right to worry - i scored a 74. on a paper that counts for half the course mark and in which i need no less than 85 to pass, so that *sucks*. later on i spent fifteen minutes talking to the lecturer, trying to convince him to let me write a paper for extra credit, and instead he focused on trying to raise my grade... i *told* him it was a fair grade before he began the recount :/
i think i'm going to have to drop the course :(
after the class i printed out a paper for pg and tried to hand it in, only her TA has no mailbox and nobody on the floor had heard of him... i eventually gave up.
i grabbed my lunch and carried it out to a bench where a couple of the girls from my class were sitting. we were joined by a fellow student - one who's been coveting the TA's position in the course i got 100 for. apparently i'm the first person in years to get a perfect score! this girl is angry with me because she sees me as a threat, and we had an amusing standoff before she stormed off.
"i've thrown down my glove!" she exclaimed, dramatically making a tossing motion at my feet.
"you don't want me to take off mine," i grinned back evilly.
only afterwards did we realize that i'm not even in the running as my BA isn't in the right field. i'll let her stew a bit, though };)
instead of prepping for our next classes we all talked for an hour or so. when i went into the second class i discovered that i'd only read a third of the required chapters. whoops :S
i received a friendly sms from gco saying he'd like to meet up. i explained (in sms form) my present situation and told him to give me a call whenever he's in the area to see if i'm available. he sent me a "funny" sms that made me really uncomfortable. either he was propositioning me, or making fun of me. either way, not okay.
the last class was on native american poetry, and was fascinating. we began with a prose poem - because i'd been arguing with the first lecturer i missed fifteen minutes and was certain i'd missed the explanation. we were forced to switch classes just after getting on to the next piece and i took the opportunity to ask why nobody'd mentioned the difference in form.
"i was hoping someone would say something, but everyone kept quiet so i thought, oh, well, never mind." - she was pleased that i'd asked, and expounded when we got to the next class.
at the end of the explanation one of my class members asked me to close the door. i'd been planning on grabbing coffee, so i took my cup and closed it with myself on the outside. that amused everyone, most of all me. so much so that when i tried to explain that i'd been getting up anyway the words came out a gargled jumble. that made things stranger :P
i passed by a charming young lady on the bus who was being testy with a middle aged man who she'd been rude to. "i didn't even mention that you pushed me out the way while getting on the bus," he said, to which she replied that as he's physically bigger than her he can't really call it "pushing".
way to go. "you're bigger than me, so i can be as disgusting as i like" is a perfectly elegant and academic argument. brava. jolly good.
made me think of our political situation. chicken or egg?
my stomache was hurting and i was certain i was going to pass out on the way home. i did feel better by the time i was on the way back, at least. i learned while at home that having an apple in one's mouth or hand can hinder one's efficiency :P
i was unpleasantly surprised to discover that while the coordinator had told me that we had until midnight, she'd informed the caretaker that he could leave at 9.30pm... our plans had to change a little. fortunately it was just enough time to gather, give an introduction and watch metropolis
what a fantastic movie! what a brilliant experience watching it with a projector! and how wonderfully surprised were we that it wasn't dubbed, even though i heard english when i tested it!
being on campus adds a certain academic sensation, too ^_^
afterwards, scrapper, botchman, eidetic and i stood talking outside, and i've been challenged to a tekken rematch. like i'd ever say "no".
i eventually got to pg's place after midnight, having to apologize for being a bad boyfriend because she barely sees me and i got sucked into a heavy debate with scrapper on the way home. also, because i'd just discovered that the tain
i'd sent gco a message letting him know that i'd found his sms uncomfortable, and he called me just as i was going to bed to invite me out. when i told him i needed to sleep he suggested i turn off my phone... a suggestion i didn't appreciate, especially as he argued with me when i explained that i'd rather he simply didn't call me at that time. in the morning, i received a response to the message that i'd sent and i think we both understand that something's not cool.
pg and i were woken up by sms - a girl i know let a four year-old play with her phone and of course *my* number is at the top of everyone's list :S
i helped pg put on allergy-testing pads (they seem uncomfortable) and headed off to campus for a make-up lesson. it was a really fun lesson!
two girls came with me to my favourite bookstore to see what the irish dude stocks, and it was an experience. one of the girls wanted to see my bookshelf, and they came over to peruse (and be amazed, i have awesome stuff) but in the end didn't borrow anything. instead, we began planning a class picnic for which i made a poster.
after they left i went shopping, and ran into tahoma and his fiancé. they came back to my place with me and we had a long and really interesting debate about reality and drugs.
when they eventually left, i started crossing things off my todo list at random... i'll never really close in on a clear list because i add items way faster than i can remove them :/
now i'm late (again) to get to pg's...
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