
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


fantastic! we need more people like me around, simpletons who like simple explanations. my previous post appears second when searching for help :)

i had a horrible night - the only word that seems to cover it is delirium. it was too hot, everything felt wrong, things were biting me and i was restless and agitated... then the morning came, and a slight breeze calmed things down and let me sleep a bit.

what a pity that i still woke up exhausted. i was a bit embarrassed to discover that i'd forgotten was day it was - or was going to be - and had arranged to meet with the kid while i was still up north...

i needed the coffee just to manage the walk to the gate. the dog tricked me into walking back, wondering if i was supposed to leave her outside :P

i managed to score a ride from the gate instead of having to wait for half an hour for the bus - i don't know who engaged who in a meta-political conversation, but the last topic was environmentalism. i made a snarky comment about vegan impotence just before getting out, only to be informed that the man's daughter happens to be one of them...

i sat chatting with my cousin and sorting out frequent flyer miles, diving back into arthurian legends every time another customer clamored for her attention. once we were done i said goodbye, and went to find somewhere for lunch.

i suspect that the shuwarma place i sat down in wasn't the healthiest of the lot. just another potential source of strange bacteria *sigh*
and the bastard threw in a fair amount of eye-watering hot sauce without asking :@

the bus ride back to tel aviv was pleasant, although my neck was giving me trouble. i managed to read a bit, at least :)
i walked from the bus station to work, performed a quick knowledge transfer to the new developer and spent the next couple of hours struggling through practically undocumented and stupifyingly complex code.

it's *good* code, but that doesn't help at all. what also doesn't help is our boss - i don't know if i've mentioned it already, but he has this super-creepy habit of sneaking up behind us and watching us work until we get that paranoid "i'm being watched" sensation and slowly turn around. i didn't think much of it until i heard someone else complaining...

eventually i found myself following a trail and getting some initial results, so the day wasn't wasted, at least.


i walked home, contemplating the last thing singer said to me (about me always talking about myself) in context of the general israeli habit of anti-communication interrogation (firing questions non-stop so as not to actually share anything). the correct response to the triple "okay thanks and you?" suddenly dawned on me:

"i'm frustrated."
"because i don't feel like you're actually talking to me."

the sad thing is i know that'll get an opportunity to use that soon. i'm going to do my best, from now on, to not share until someone else has started a dialog - and to walk away from the almost-traditional awkward pause instead of filling the gap.


nystire and his wife arrived earlier than scheduled - we sat at cafe hillel across the road, because it's kosher. unfortunately for me, it's kosher milk so there was nothing on the menu that i could order. i settled for coffee and they sat with me afterwards when i went for calzone.

the evening with the two of them was most pleasant, and quite educational :)

i'm amused no end that i ran into the guy who flirted with me a while back and had a fairly comfortable conversation with him, and then ran into heeblet - also a fairly comfortable chat.

i'm pretty disappointed that i'm not ready to blade yet. two weeks in a row is killer!

instead, i spent the evening trying to convince my wine installation to handle fallout 2 - nope, same old bug. at least i can be proud of myself for having figured out all the other stuff, like setting up scripts to loop mount iso files... that sounds much more interesting than it is :P

according to the matrix, it would appear that the big pocketbook notwithstanding, the kindle is the way to go...

i still don't have a solution to the problem of obtaining an ebook version of the norton anthology though. i hope nystire can find it!

i just spoke to SxS, and i just started getting excited about hitting florida in two weeks' time. a specific point: inception on their nine-story imax ^_^


speaking of nystire: he's linked to a new breakthrough.

"in 1882 i was in vienna, where i met an american jew whom i had known in the states. he said: 'hang your chemistry and electricity! if you want to make a pile of money, invent something that will enable these europeans to cut each others' throats with greater facility.'"
- hiram maxim, the man who improved upon the gatling gun.

lasers will definitely allow us to kill each other more efficiently - at last!


the stubborn south african anti-israel stance is embarrassing. reading that feels a bit like watching david coltart on hardtalk.

this video is a bit worrying - arabs religious protection in the states has gotten a tad extreme, if you ask me. and while things are worrying me - how about some threatening moves?

oh. those must be their "peacekeeping" forces :/

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