
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, November 02, 2009

living (room) arrangements

i got home to find a flirtatious message in my inbox from a male musician who i've seen perform a few times - why, oh why, don't cute, talented girls ever flirt with me?! nuts.
i've just looked over his album photos - he's part of a group that not only makes good music, but has style, too. at least i'm attracting quality, even if it's not the right gender.

good tired? sleeping sickness?* i've been having trouble with staying alert for days, i've had a head full of cotton wool and have been simultaneously frustrated at every turn by suffering temporary insomnia whenever the conditions for sleeping have been right. i've been feeling *comfortable*, though. which is strange. it's like my sleep-regulating functions are being passive-aggressive :S

* i haven't been feverish, and the only possible carrier is that asian tiger mosquito, and i doubt it was carrying.

this month's wired playback contains two items of particular interest - bar bingo, and a mention that's gotten me interested in familiarizing myself with napalm death, techno animal, godflesh, and the point of the report: jesu: opiate sun.

the ride conversation turned to legalizing and controlling, and i was surprised that, for once, we were actually having a mostly rational argument. the concern of his that i couldn't allay? flashbacks. i'd never thought to look that up before, and i'm surprised that the stories i'd heard were old wives' tales.

insurance: i'm finally covered - and it took less work than they'd led me to expect. now i know for next time.

medics and euros: the medics are making me work for my refund (the army was supposed to pay for the ambulance), and the cheque that i was concerned about (from last year's snowboarding) turned out to be fictitious... apparently the women at the insurance company helped me file an essentially frivolous claim.
*scratches head*

i paid the doctor a visit today, apparently the lump on my leg is something that needs checking. oddly enough, i've managed to make an appointment for this week - score! he told me that it's probably something i can live with, but it could need to be surgically removed. quite frankly, as a rollerblader it's not something i can live with.

idiot-girl news: useless to me now, but i learned about a set of rules today that if i'd been aware of them before joining the permanent force would have sorted me out with an extra grand each month. that's totally not fair.

extra hail points: training tonight was hard, even though i didn't work very much. my brain wasn't operational, my body was responding awkwardly... but i kept on pushing through, and it was more or less alright.

possible going away messages for our SC:
1. "happiness is never achieving anything and convincing yourself that that's alright"
2. "i have learned a lot from you. you're a very smart man, one who's so mediocre that he's become a complete and utter failure"
it's too soon to be thinking about these things, but it's nice to have them on hand.

i definitely needed the sleep on the bus. i also desperately needed to go shopping.

the best part of the evening? even better than the sandwich i made and the hot shower? someone left a couple of couches outside our building, and they're absolutely perfect for my patio!
i've finally re-arranged things in such a way that i have a comfortable space to chill outside :)

we were wondering if segways could jump, and i found an unexpected trick. i don't know how that connects to this remarkable steadycam shot, but who am i to judge?

i shouldn't have spent this long on my blog, and the internet's died so i'll have to post this later anyways :P

[that was about 1.15am]

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