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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


i've definitely had too much to drink this weekend, and not nearly enough sleep. it is, however, a family celebration and as such not entirely unexpected.

from posting i walked home, cleaned up and dressed up (i cannot stress enough how unusual it is for me to wear nice clothes), and walked to the nana bar, once again passing the rollerblading group. i didn't realize how tired i was, and plodded along slower than i'd planned - 15 minutes made all the difference, they'd already started worrying about me. i'm not used to south african events anymore :p

dinner was wonderful, and it was great that so much of the "close" family was together - so many people, in fact, that with all the speeches and eating it took until the end of the evening to get a chance to talk to everyone. the evening was fun and boisterous, we ate and drank *well* and the place is really impressive.

i walked to va'ad habayit to meet gn1, a nice set of bars with mostly decent music. i was saying hi to one girl when another bumped my beer all over her, and the rest of the beer was less enjoyable because my focus was primarily on not letting that happen again. gn1 and i made an attempt to find her car, eventually giving up and returning to get her friends' help. it was late and we were all tired - i drove, and everyone got home comfortably :p

waking up four hours later was tough. i thought i'd woken gn1, but i discovered much later that all communication with her had been dreamed from her side. i walked slowly on the bright, warm winter's morn, and arrived at *her* place just as she and her boyfriend were getting ready to go.

the sabbath service was really nice, and the barmitzvah did his portion beautifully. everyone was in great spirits when we went outside for the lavish and delightful breakfast, which was overdone to such an extent that we were all asked (and in my case, forced) to take home leftovers. after helping out with the cleanup, i joined everyone for drinks at the british cousins [i realize that everyone's cousins and there are multiple sets from each country, but i can't be arsed to specify each time]. we all talked a lot, and gn1 got in touch with me to let me know she'd lost my house key.

she was expecting me to be angry, and i don't know why - it sounds to me like she had a horrible time of trying to find it, and as long as it's an unmarked key and not in the vicinity of the building i don't see why i should stress.

i got a ride to azrieli, and took a slow walk back home. i didn't sit down for a second, rather i immediately switched to shorts and walked to karnaf's, from where we missioned to play frisbeer in the park.

we played AMAZING frisbee. i'm incredibly pleased with myself.

i walked home, shaved, showered, and realized that i was running late. again.
fortunately the bus to herzeliya was on time, and i made it to the organized bus on time ^_^

why do i feel like i'm going to pass out with my face in my dinner tonight?

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