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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

decision blocked

i just woke up from an odd dream, which might have been caused by my answering the phone in my sleep - i've warned myself on numerous occasions not to do that - and having come across a blubbering idiot.

in a trial session at a new gym, the instructor was showing me how to use the two ropes (there are multiple sets, in a row) hanging in a giant hall. suspended in mid-air, the idea is to hold on to one of them, grip the other with a foot, and perform basic exercises. [this in itself seems like a very silly idea]

the exercises cause the ropes to swing back and forth.

after doing a number of repetitions, i decided to try switching ropes - to turn around, to face the other way. in addition to that being a completely meaningless action, it's also not very bright to do so in mid-air when you're moving back and forth at a fair rate.

i managed to make the switch without a hassle - only in doing so i added sideways motion and had the two ropes going around each other. the instructor looked on in horror as i precariously swung this way and that, managing to keep my grip and not get too dizzy by focusing on the skylight above.

as soon as the ropes slowed down, he shouted at me and sent me off to the gym psychologist for an evaluation. the psychologist informed me that they wouldn't be allowing me to sign up this time, and handed me a recommendation for some type of brain scan which would determine whether or not i have a block in some feature that's connected to decision making.

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