
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


after breakfast this morning i paid the medic a quick visit and yes, i *do* have low blood pressure. yesterday the woman in charge of the clinic shouted at me until i understood that the only way to prove that i'm a sufferer is to pass out repeatedly.

essentially, she told me that i have to intentionally screw myself up.

i was told this morning that that won't be necessary, but the first opportunity i'll have to see a doctor is next week, which kinda sucks.

yesterday was a day of entirely forgettable lectures. i did receive a call informing me that the project i was working on until recently has reached a major milestone, and that only served to remind me of how far removed i am from reality at the moment.

the weather the last couple of days has been absolutely disgusting. last night a bunch of us ran in uniform with our gear, and that was mighty uncomfortable. and i wasn't feeling too good anyway - i think i might be coming down with something.

we stayed in a hostel last night. SxS called, and we chatted for half an hour. part of the discussion was an absolutely beautiful plan involving snowboarding ^_^

we all slept like babies on the orthopaedic mattresses, i dreamed real dreams for the first time in a long time [august, january's don't count as those were fever-dreams].

we travelled with a really amusing / frightening / smelly bus driver to an arbitrary base and spent the day doing nothing. i emphasize because it wasn't for lack of trying.

one of the guys has been trying to organize a mini-project with a couple of us for about two weeks, and we never get a chance to sit on it. or when we do, nobody remembers.
the concept "verbal ejaculate" keeps springing to mind whenever he opens his mouth, he's loud, tactless, permanently and completely unaware of his surroundings and is generally focused in the wrong direction.

anyway, today he was particularly naggy, and at some point it looked as though we had an opportunity to get busy and something interfered: he lost his temper, stormed out screaming, crumpling up the work done so far and tossing it on the way out. it took a while to calm him down, and it was only later that i got an opportunity to discuss with him how grossly inappropriate his behaviour was.

he's a nice guy, but childish and clueless, and that's kinda tough to deal with.

so i'm home again this evening, i've taught our new flatmate a lesson in tekken (although he's really not bad) and cleared a bunch of internet stuff off my rss plate, and i'm planning on getting some rest. i'm going to need all my strength to figure out shit to do tomorrow.


calvin & hobbes made me laugh out loud today :)
ooh - that reminds me, we woke up watching snoopy this morning! it was in hebrew, but the translation to sign language was from the english and i think that's mighty unfair to the deaf israeli kids.

a cute ie cake to the mozilla team

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