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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

la petite mort

again - this being the fourth time if i'm not mistaken. this is the third of the four incidents that i was attempting to urinate at the time. i suspected a lack of oxygen after the last couple of bouts, this time the second i felt it coming i began to breathe really, really deeply.

it didn't help.

i managed to sit on the floor with my back against the wall, and miraculously not piss myself, as wave after wave of unconsciousness struck me. when it was over, and until i regained enough composure to move, i thoroughly soaked my clothing with sweat. i climbed into the shower with the sensation that going through this can't be much different from suffering a stroke.

i can't help but wonder how much neural damage i suffered this morning.


i spent yesterday afternoon either lying in bed restlessly or sitting online. in the evening egg and i went to cheers - it's a bar on allenby, but the playlist hit tool and pink floyd when we sat down. during the night it became packed with a good crowd, and the music remained top class.

i'm shocked at how much we drank. absolutely mortified. i crashed at egg's because there was no way in hell that i'd have survived even half the journey home. and now i'm feeling like a freakin' zombie after my little wake-up call.

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