
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

blood brother

another 150 sit-ups this morning, but i've been informed that it's not wise to do anything too strenuous until tomorrow so that was as far as i got. i'm most happy with myself, though :) [although i'm straining enough to not damage my neck further that my neck muscles are all tight :S]

i finally *fully* understood the concept of fixed-point, and it's so obvious and simple that i'm even more annoyed about not having gotten it in the first place.

awesome lunch off base today, then straight back to donate blood. it's the first time i've ever donated (they're finally allowing south africans to leak!), and aside from my arm being a bit sore and damaged (apparently i didn't squeeze hard enough) i felt GOOD afterwards...

what can i say? i like needles. maybe i'd be doing better if i'd been getting a piercing a week or something :B

anyway, it was an excellent bonding experience - a whole bunch of us (including my commander) sat around laughing and being silly / disgusting for a while afterwards, nystire was saying that there were other donors getting freaked out...

my commander referred to silence of the lambs ("i ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti") on the way in, and after all the bad vampire jokes i was thinking out loud about somebody crawling under the beds with a straw, guzzling while donors fainted away and medics panicked... oddly enough, this drew laughs and not wary stares - yay! my co-workers are beginning to understand that i'm joking! ^_^

i sent ink a text message, but i didn't get a response. the possible scenarios (in order from best case to worst) are
a) she simply didn't receive it
b) she's not happy that i sms'ed
c) her fiance's going to beat me senseless
d) her fiance's going to want to join in

nystire and i met up with a few girls from my previous branch and his fiancee, and sat down at some weird coffee event thing at rabin square. when we all got bored, we went stationary shopping and the girls split, the three of us going to sit and chat at cafeneto for a while.

when i got home, spot convinced me to return to cafeneto to eat, and we left there an hour and a half later. i continued struggling with my phone when i got back; no luck there. i'm pretty much giving up. and i've made awesome .wav ring tones of closer to mario too :(

i just read about an aweful incident - americans.
i was wondering where mac hall had gone to.

how is it thursday already?!?!

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