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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

gushy good night

the only thing that bothers me about today is that i didn't get a chance to cancel the standing order at the bank.

i'm leaving work now, and we got interesting things done.

aside from that, i received a phone call from another guy who's offered to help out... it's not as simple a move, so i told him i'd let him know tomorrow. turns out that a girl in my team, who i haven't actually gotten along with very well, was supposed to move in with them. she's been in dire straits apartment-wise for ages, and she's not financially in as good a situation as i am... i told the guy that if she needs it, she's to get first priority.

he laughed. turns out she'd told them to make sure that i'm alright before she moves in with them.

wow. i *am* blown away. i told him that under no circumstances was he to *THINK* about helping me out until she's sorted and settled. end of story. isn't that a feel-good story?

i'm going home now, to shuffle my things inside, shower (run hot water till it gets cool), floss and brush, and sleep. tomorrow's the course, and tomorrow afternoon we'll see about getting me moved.

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