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Monday, November 28, 2005

a silly one!

i slept like a baby. kind of. the whole day was a bit weird, because we actually had work to do... nothing really interesting happened. aside from me remembering why i hate talking on telephones - i spoke to j-girl for a few minutes, and i came across as such an absolute wanker. my sense of humour *requires* the target's ability to see my expression :(

our commander kept us on half an hour extra, because he wasn't satisfied with what we'd done. that sucked, as i'm now rushing off (in a couple of minutes, the bus only leaves in 10 minutes) to SB's for dinner with her and some of her friends.

tomorrow's a LONG day, i've taken it off to sort out bits of my life. lots of running around headless-chicken style.

the title of the post was in reference to the work environment today. we're not used to sitting down for long periods of time, so we kind of got silly. figuring out ways to scare the bejeezus out of the scout (had to apologize for one of them, almost had to have him hospitalized :P), and general arbitrary milling around singing strange things. and of course, going CRAZY for that last half hour.

1 comment:

  1. no ways - headless-chicken is the less known advanced crazy-monkey. crossed with slightly-squint lizard-fu. there's no WAY your style beats mine!

    besides, i've been training longer.


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