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Tuesday, January 23, 2024

the middle

i've been really struggling to get shit done. between the war's news and politics, the weather / mold situation*, parenting** and the daily grind***, i feel like i've got a huge backlog of tasks even if i don't really and i don't feel like i'm getting much done.

* we keep finding little surprises, even if overall the situation is much improved.

** mr smear's doing great in some respects, but not all respects. it's a process.

*** okay, that's not fair. i'm just tired and worn out from endless things to do, but at least the work's going well and i'm quite happy at the moment.



gd was okay enough to pick mr smear up from work, but not take him to mma. i got so into my work that i didn't leave the office until gd called to ask where i was...


it was threatening to rain in the evening, so i decided to use my remote-work day and stay home. but then i remembered that i'd booked a blood donation in our office building. and in any event i had to take mr smear to his jiujitsu class in the evening.

the blood-drawing went smoothly, but i took the thingy off as instructed and it started bleeding and swelling... fortunately, i registered it quickly enough and went back to the nurse, and by bathtime it was fine.

speaking of bathtime, i think i know how to do the curtain rail myself. fuck the handyman who didn't get back to me after whining about how complicated a job it is. as soon as it's dry weather i'll go get some hacksaw help from the hardware store and git 'er done.

fortunately, we didn't get rained on, but i was feeling surprisingly shit after the donation. like, for hours...


on sunday evening i sat down and put together a summary of disturbing points exposed via our aliyah process, which will hopefully find its way into the hands of a relevant journalist. my mother went to the department of home affairs yesterday afternoon to try (once again, it's been three years now) to get a copy of her marriage certificate. she was then directed to the archivist, where they're going to have to dig because the copy isn't filed on the correct date. or maybe it was never filed - my mom  *just* called me to tell me that that's actually a possibility. she seems to have upset the woman she was talking to by responding with "you mean i spent all that money on getting divorced for nothing?" ðŸ˜‚


mr smear's bully situation has been resuming over the past couple of weeks, but i talked to his teacher yesterday and it sounds like he's following the strategy we've been describing for years and it's paying off - it's clear to everyone that the little shit he's been dealing with since he arrived is at fault, and his shitty condescending parents have been called in for a talk.


we're also repeating the mantra of "ignore him. get away from him. but you're allowed to hit him as long as you're not throwing the first punch."

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