
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, January 14, 2024


it rained again last night, and i'm now convinced that the fridge's power cool setting was to blame for the "leak".

 this morning almost got off to a rough start, but i reminded gd that mr smear is 100% responsible for the outcome and he handled himself well. gd and i immediately went to the clinic to arrange for an authorization, then we pick up a kiwi from the grocer across the road and continued on to the allergy clinic for the skin prick test.

the process took a long time, but it ended with very interesting results: it looks like all the food allergies gd thinks she has aren't regular allergies! we're not quite sure what the ramifications are yet, so she's booked for a "challenge" mid-february and we're going to start getting a clearer picture of things.

on that note, i headed off to the office with a kiwi for breakfast. i partially fixed something that had been annoying me before lunch, then joined the team for lunch at ha'shnizel shel tamir. i only had falafel and fries, but i ended up feeling like i'd eaten too much and everyone else's portions were just ridiculous. in retrospect, i did eat quite a bit of greasy home-made pita before we left the office...

on the way back to the office i spoke with gd and she was complaining about her legs hurting, so i worked for another half an hour then left to pick up mr smear and take him to mma. it was a good class, but i was passing out for the first half and then thoroughly disrupted by a whole bunch of little kids for the second, so i really didn't get much work done.

we managed to get home just before it rained again. aside from doing lots of dishes and managing to get mr smear to do some math homework (when he wasn't writing rude words into the text fields), i did work a little bit before dinner, but not sufficient to be satisfying.

then i passed out (again) while reading / being read to by mr smear. then i crawled onto the couch to play a bit of bloons adventure time and get into work mode, but i soon realized that our building's internet had gone down (again). so now i'm using my phone as a hotspot, posting this and then deciding whether to actually work or to crash again...

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