
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

harvest time

it's shavuot! our harvest festival that's been co-opted by the dairy industry, and now we're taking our dairy-allergic son to a family gathering where everything will be touched by cow juice. so we've eaten early and we're taking our own snacks...


this week was much more reasonably paced than i've gotten used to. the work we pushed on sunday was the culmination of months of incremental achievements under fire: our company bleeding money on ci/cd infrastructure that i've been busy overhauling for the past year. the work isn't complete, but we've finally got all the pieces in place and staunched the wound, and the past few days have felt like stopping and taking a breath.

mr smear's week improved, in spite of a couple of rough moments. monday morning was the low-light of the week, though, and the rest of the moments (so far, i guess) have been pretty minor and manageable in comparison.


scrapper's last day in town, so i jumped on a bus to meet up with him. someone cut the bus off and the driver slammed on the brakes and swerved, throwing me into a woman standing by the windscreen and smashing a mirror in the middle of the packed bus and showering everyone (including someone in a wheelchair) with glass.

fortunately, i walked off with one cut finger and a couple of sore ones, and nothing more, and the woman i slammed into seemed to be okay (i asked a second time to make sure, but to be fair she could also have been in shock).

scrapper and i sat and chewed the fat for a while, then he joined me for a quick grocery run and stopped by to say hi to the fam for a few minutes before he had to run. all in all, it was a nice catch up full of interesting stories and i'm glad we got to see him.


a half-day at work, somewhat productive. then we went for a walk to pick up a gift wine for tonight and have a delicious lunch and coffee at cafe ava - it's awesome to have an excellent vegan coffee shop/deli within walking distance!

the afternoon was lazy, mr smear and i tried out untitled goose game, which was a lot of fun, and we've got a bunch of new downloads to try :)

i'm very excited to have a couple of days off. chag sameach!

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