
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, May 09, 2023



saturday wasn't bad, but it was uncomfortable. we all spent our morning doing our own things, then walked to the beach in the afternoon. that could totally have been a great experience if it wasn't for the fact that mr smear whined and complained non-stop, he didn't want to leave the house, then he didn't want to leave the beach, and he only wanted to do what we didn't along the way (there and back)... so that was unpleasant. aside from that, it was a beautiful day and it was nice to be outside for it.


i woke up in the middle of the night (around 2am) feeling sore, and spent three or four hours researching and writing an article on restless legs syndrome. i completed it on my two hour-long train rides, though i have yet to publish it because i need to get the photos done first.

dragging myself out of bed was hard. the walk to school was uncomfortable, and i dropped mr smear off with advice that i could only pray he would hear some of.

haifa is a beautiful city with a great vibe. meeting the guys was excellent, i love what they're doing and i love that we're all in a similar headspace. i think both myself and the CTO were taken by surprise to discover that we both previously worked with anti-ad-blocking tech, and he admitted that his team used to "borrow" from my team's work!

i was invited to join a bunch of them for lunch, it turns out half the company is vegan or vegetarian and we went to an entirely vegan hummusia (hummus bar) - the food was excellent, the company was great.

i don't know what's going to come out of sunday morning, but i can say that i really felt at home and would be thrilled to be able to join them!


i got home in time to pick mr smear up from school. i chatted with the afternoon councillors, and the picture i have of his general behavior / interactions with the other kids is less clear than before. i also learned that he's been lying to them in order to get out of doing homework... i tried to do some of it with him when we got home, it was really tough to get him to cooperate.

gd had been spending the day with one of our community's rabbis, who came over for a brief visit.

after putting mr smear to bed, gd and i finally continued watching strip search.


mr smear and his enthusiasm for blockbench gave me an opportunity to send him off with an easy message for the day...

i took care of a bunch of things, then went to the office. the first thing i did was push a fix for something i broke on thursday, after which we had our daily meeting. one of the guys complained that things still weren't working, and i asked him when they last broke considering i'd just reported fixing it. "yesterday and the day before". this is not the first time he's done that, it's super weird.

someone else broke something critical yesterday and it still isn't fixed, so we were all stalled... i managed to get through an enormous volume of tedious effort; it's done, and hopefully today will feel more productive.

apparently gd had more luck with mr smear's homework yesterday afternoon, so that's good. on my way home i felt like my belly was a bit exposed, and while i suspect that my t-shirt has shrunk, gd assures me that i've put on a bit of weight :/

more strip search after bedtime.


i slept very poorly last night.


today is our cousins' matriarch's 92nd birthday. i feel guilty that i haven't made time to see her and her husband. they're both suffering from dementia, and i really hope they're at ease.

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