
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

breathing out before the week starts

 we went to neighbours for dinner last night, we generally had a really good time in spite of the fact that all the kids declined to eat dinner and that gd had an allergic reaction to their rabbits.

i let our host insist on giving me a second beer, that was a bit much for me at that point.

i got up this morning and dived in to migrating my server-hosted applications to serverless. there were quite a few sharp edges and it took a lot more time and effort than i'd anticipated, but by early afternoon i was ready to start the migration.

so i took a break, and the three of us walked down to the beach. gd enjoyed a drink while mr smear and i played in the sand, and then we did some serious bonding on the way home by eating hal's jalapeño chips in spite of them setting our faces on fire. 

those things are hardcore.

gd made a delicious dinner while we showered, and by the time mr smear went to bed he'd more than made up for the skipped meal the night before: he'd had a huge breakfast, too, and then three helpings of dinner with fruit. not even garbage-bin dad could eat that much.

i started reading charlie and the great glass elevator, then joined gd for half of the first episode of the new season of hunters while starting to run deployments. when she went the bed i finished watching the original gremlins movie. i'm pretty sure it was my first time - i've always loved gremlins 2, but i think my only contact with the first installment ever was via mad magazine when i was a kid.

holy shit, that is *not* an appropriate movie for mr smear. and now that the concept of gremlins is fresh in mind, neither is the sequel.

the deployments took forever (i needed to follow a very particular sequence), but i finally got it right and it looks like everything is 100%! i've now destroyed my droplet, and after years of configuring and maintaining and performing manual updates and deployments i'm now very pleased to report that everything i've got online is a) serverless and b) managed by cdk projects.

so... cheaper, and far less effort. and i get to check off a to-do list item that's been bugging me for at least a year or two.

good night!

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