
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, May 27, 2022

weak end to the week


yesterday saw two advancements and two setbacks.

advancement 1: we got a water filter system installed which replaces bottled water and the kettle.

advancement 2: the handyman came in and fixed the kitchen cupboards. he also did the prep-work for the bathtub, which is going to be a story when he comes back for it.

setback 1: i deployed code (that had been tested and vetted) that broke our ci/cd pipelines. all of them. i was working from home and my team lead and i weren't as in-sync as i thought we were, because our head of r&d sent me urgent voice messages at one point. fortunately, i managed to figure out the issue and fix it... by the end of the day. not a great experience.

setback 2: mr smear and i had a fight in the evening that was ridiculous and horrible. gd declared our relationship toxic. things may have been much better today but i'm still heartbroken from the entire ordeal.

[setback 3: mr smear did something really naughty - not maliciously, but that's not the point - and has been given a suspension warning. jesus.]


gd and i started our day with a group of parents talking about a programme for the next school year. i translated as much as i could while still following. our take-away from this morning, which we'd agreed on before the meeting, was that we really need to sign mr smear up to the aftercare / extra-mural activities.

my local credit card has been blocked, and my bank a) didn't inform me and b) has not been reachable. on sunday, i'll be going to find myself a new bank.

otherwise, we managed to find me some clothing, pick up our kid on time, unpack most of our books and arrange them on shelves, get gd's contact lenses just before the place closed, get kiddush wine (and beers and a couple of breezers), finish watching charlie and the chocolate factory, rest, watch some star trek tng, chill and have a pleasant entry into the shabbat.

mr smear has just gone to bed, we're about to continue watching ricky gervais' new special. i didn't know about it until someone i know posted that i should unfriend myself if i find it funny. i didn't laugh at the transcripted parts, but i do think he was completely on point. otherwise, there's some really hilarious material in there.

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