
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, May 13, 2022

friday morning breath

 i have Things To Do but i've been chilling the past hour or so and really feeling like i've needed to.

two stressors at the moment: first, the shipment of our personal goods is supposed to arrive tomorrow and figuring out (even with my mother's assistance) how to get it to clear customs has been horrible. second, i'm rather nervous about sunday morning, when we go to misrad hapnim to attempt to extend gd's and mr smear's tourist visas...

the new guy at work seems cool, but i'm having a hard time evaluating him. so far i've had to rescue his new macbook from being very close to bricked and he generally seems a bit... institutionalized (he's been working for a massive corporate for the last decade or two).

anyway, the past two days at work were wildly successful, my first "real work" PRs are opened and i discovered that visual studio code works beautifully when attached to a running docker container which simultaneously blew my mind and enabled me to work comfortably on my new m1 macbook architecture that doesn't play nicely with others.

also, i passed around a link to an older article i'd written about regex (after hearing that there'd recently been an incident due to a misunderstanding about a misbehaving regular expression) and my boss has asked me to write a piece about our product, which i'm actually quite keen to do ^_^

on the way to work yesterday i stopped in at a pharmacy hoping to quickly pick something up, but the pharmacist was nowhere to be found. after taking a number and calling out twice for assistance, i knocked on the glass - at that point he finally decided it was worth communicating with me, but instead of apologetic or understanding he was aggressively rude. that pushed me over the edge and i lost my temper, threw the queue number through the gap under the glass and stormed off - the cashier, who had witnessed this (along with a bunch of other people there), told me that i should be more patient... i was so disgusted and upset that i told her off about how patient i'd been and what terrible service they were providing, but it was only after i'd left that i realized i hadn't said anything about how rude the pharmacist had been and *that* got under my skin almost as much as the bad experience itself.

so i ate my feelings with an early breakfast in order to be able to focus on work, and the irritation has been rising occasionally since.

although my work day yesterday included two exciting successes, the highlight of my day was getting home and taking mr smear for a walk to get falafel. i miraculously managed to convince mr smear to tell me how his day went - he was super excited about the obstacle course they'd run - and we arrived before the place closed and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. it was a great evening with no "but"s, i had a goofy grin on my face for half of it and was filled with non-stop gratitude.


i spent my morning either being mindlessly entertained or performing minor upgrades for my side project. i'm super excited about the latest double-page that mr cat has produced, and i can't wait to put it online! i've also just started playing a new game we picked up recently, labyrinth city: pierre the maze detective, and it's really beautiful :)


i feel like i've achieved stuff, and i also feel like i need to lie down, so i'm gonna do that now.

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