
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, May 07, 2022

2am saturday morning

 there's something magical about deliberately not working on shabbat, but having my brain serve up a nightmare that demands making progress on the issue i was unable to solve on wednesday.

thanks, brain.

anyway, yom ha'atzmaut started off with the emotional discomfort left over from some unpleasantness the day before (gd and i had had a confusing fight about walking distances and her health while trying to find furniture the day before), and when we left (late) to pick up the car on the other side of the city we had another one that threatened to stop the day in its tracks (apparently, it was a bad call on my part to actually follow her explicit instructions from the previous day's fight). fortunately we managed to resolve it, but not without thoroughly disrupting our scheduled timeline...

i got on my blades, found the car, picked up gd and mr smear and drove straight into the traffic jam leaving tel aviv. so we were stuck in the car, mostly not moving, for at least half an hour, and it was miraculous that gd didn't have one of her usually perfectly mis-timed panic attacks...

... we finally arrived at ze germans' residence with much less time to hang than we'd have liked, but it was really great reconnecting, and the people i was specifically nervous about running into were there and everything was good. it was crazy how many kids we all have between us - and a few of the kids weren't even there, teenagers too old to spend the afternoon with their families - and both gd and mr smear had a blast.

we managed to get the car back to its spot just in time, i rollerbladed back home and the evening was spent relaxing (see the end of the post for the bit about the raspberry pi).


yesterday (friday) morning i dropped mr smear off at school and settled in to work, and gd convinced me to continue furniture hunting with her. we ended up a bit south of the central bus station looking at very nice but very expensive chairs that convinced me to give ikea another try (on condition that it's on a weekday morning). we hopped on a bus, split up on the way home and i arrived in time for a meeting with sailor that somehow started an hour earlier than i was invited for.

the meeting went really well, and i dropped out just as gd returned home and we needed to go pick up mr smear.

his "tom cruise" tooth, which he'd prematurely loosened a week before and had been "flapping in the breathe" for a couple of days (it was so distracted that it had become impossible to look at him *and* listen to him at the same time) finally came out! as i type this i realize that the tooth fairy hasn't done her job yet...

[the tooth fairy makes an appearance]

... anyway, we walked through to tel aviv proper, had a brilliant lunch of lafot at "the congress" (we've been here almost two months and they've never had those!) and then moseyed on over to the mongoose's, because they finally moved in this week - their renovations made a lot of sense and it's even nicer than when we slept on its floor!

on the way home we picked up a bunch of things for the house, and then i tried to use the last hour before shabbat productively but... meh. i was pleased to see that my final payment from my previous employer had arrived and between that and both gd and i being extended more canadian credit we're at least able to get through our "adjustment period" with a little more air to breathe. and this week my mother sent off our freight, so hopefully that'll arrive soon and in one piece - or, at least, the same number of pieces it left in - and our new lives will be coming together nicely.

[sets a reminder to start the process of renewing his family's visas]


on thursday evening i finally opened the box of my raspberry pi pico: mr smear definitely didn't have the patience for figuring out how to put it together, and his enthusiasm for me showing him the light flashing when i pressed the button lasted all of five seconds. it would have helped if the instructions had been clearer. last night, after friday night dinner, we watched an episode of battlebots and he was into that stuff. so much so that he threw a wobbly when i tried to get him washed and brushed for bed, he was literally falling asleep in my arms and then indignantly tried to convince us that he wasn't tired...

but i was tired. i didn't last more than a cup of tea longer than he did.



it's been an hour, i wonder if i'll be able to go back to sleep now.

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