
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

cold 'n wet sunday morning

 good. yesterday was the last tattoo of season 2021, and although the tattoo itself went well i'd forgotten that the first night generally doesn't. it was a night full of nightmares, discomfort, and thinking about stuff i could do nothing about. i'm not quite feeling my best this morning, though it seems to be starting off well (i've played through a hacknet mission - i started from scratch a few days ago because i wanted to continue and, years later, had absolutely no context to work with).


after a generally constructive yom kippur (though i did need a nap due to the lack of caffeine), we went to my mom's for the breaking of the fast and had a jolly evening. the main takeaway - from my six year old's perspective - was that my sister and cousin have potty mouths.


i really struggled to focus on work, my morning was very much wrapped up in a visit to the doctor (looks like i'm going to need antibiotics for my sinuses after all) and the hairdresser (omg so much better), and by late afternoon i'd done relatively little and was thoroughly over the week. so i dived back into steamworld heist when mr smear was busy with other things, and the two of us constructed a lego technic birthday gift together and that was a fantastic experience! especially figuring out together how all the gears interacted.


a pleasant temple service, steamworld heist, then taking mr smear to the promenade with sailor to take advantage of the surprisingly hot and sunny weather before heading off the the tattoo parlour. i was saddened by the large numbers of antivaxxers protesting vaccines, and at some point just couldn't handle being within 50m of them and we skedaddled just as mr smear had decided he was ready to go home.

my favourite part of the morning - we were struggling to get mr smear out of the house while i was on the phone with sailor, so he suggested i tell mr smear that if he hurries we'll introduce him to a mermaid. this worked for about a minute, and then suddenly backfired with a loud wail: "i - don't - WANNA - meet - a - mermaid!!!", and we then had to convince him that if he would cooperate we would cancel the meeting.


the new tattoo is beautiful, though there's a weird line that gd noticed and that's now impossible to unsee, but overall it's all good and i'm now ready to dedicate my sunday to figuring out these android issues and trying to make the website feature complete before the new week begins.

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