
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, September 04, 2021

and the meds weren't worth it

 i thought the meds were helping (at least, in contrast to how much they've been hindering), but after a couple of days doing much better i've just woken up with a stuffy, bloody nose again. i guess it's time for a face-off with the doctor...

i ditched my day-job yesterday morning and spent some hours trying to make my project presentable. while jumping off the top of the live demo tree i - hit - every - branch - on - the - way - down. fifteen minutes before go-time, i found a showstopper that forced me to ask for a fifteen minute delay, and then it was too late...

halfway through a minor refactor, i demo'ed.

somehow, the demo wasn't an abysmal failure.

i was actually surprised by how well the system held up, i'd been so frantic all day (arguably not helped by the prednisone) that my mind was all over the place, and forgetting that i had no idea whether the import would work i ditched the existing data to demo it and clocked the onosecond. and then, doubling down, i hit the import button and - magic! - it performed.

ultimately, there were plenty of nitpicks and little improvements to be made but overall my client is looking forward to using this and i have more than a week to take care of the issues that came up.

for the rest of the day i dived into day-work, then called it a week and cracked open a hunter's that had been sitting in the fridge for months waiting for its moment*. i spent the next hour or so alternating between sipping and coding, and by the time i was ready to switch off for dinner i was feeling much, much better about the state of the world.

* this past week has been a "cheat week", i've gotten almost no exercise and i think i've managed to gain back all the weight i lost while down with covid :P


oh! funny story from the yesterday morning: i finally called the department of home affairs about the existing passport application that i never made. after waiting twenty five minutes for someone to answer from the department of home affairs contact center, i explained the problem and was asked to hold again... fifteen more minutes of hold music before she got back to me - she had sent an email to someone else and was keeping me on hold while she waited for the response.

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