
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, January 03, 2021

it's the littlest things

 i'm super stoked right now, it's 1.30am and i've just cracked the following optimization on a particularly nasty level (good neighbors year #58) in 7 billion humans:

(never you mind what made my previous solution was so awful, it's not the point! and i've just seen a faster optimization, but mine actually operated with a relatively simple algorithm)

i'm also very happy that i made it home in one piece this evening, as sailor and his friend railroaded me into going much further up the pipe track than was prudent and we had to hike back down in the dark after curfew. gd was as upset about that as i was. after wishing mr smear a good night, i put on titus' born with a defect which gave us a few cathartic laughs [good lord, i just located that link when not signed in and i was completely thrown by seeing my first youtube ad in many months].

new year's eve: wonder woman 1984 was spectacularly mediocre, but we did enjoy the evening.

i spent a chunk of my first day of 2021 completing the react / react native tutorials, and i am rather irritated that a) i didn't go with react before and b) that i'm going back to work in two more days and i've essentially achieved nothing on the mobile dev front.

today was great - it began with mr smear rushing to tell me about this crazy dream he'd had, and i managed to get him to repeat it while recording so that i could send it to his future self :D

gd and i both participated in the shabbat morning service, but for once she got a taste of her own medicine as she's been laughing at me for months about how nervous* i get and now it was her turn...

* there's an enormous difference between performing my own memorized poetry on a stage and reading from a parchment without vowels and cantillation

it was a beautiful day and we spent a good couple of hours by the pool. the hike up pipe track was pretty good, especially considering how self-conscious about my flab i've become. it's a thing, now. it's a really irritating thing. but i have learned that fat does float better than muscle, which is something i never realized before.

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