
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, January 18, 2021



"getting the job done" but not well enough to be proud of it. a walk to my old bank to open a new account having forgotten that i needed FICA documentation. mr smear griefing his friend in little big planet, which was deeply upsetting, but seeming to sort himself out after a little break.

we headed off to our cousins for a lovely friday night dinner, although the return home was a bit intense and we managed to arrive two minutes before curfew.

fortunately after learning that the police have been convincing people to sign admissions of guilt over curfew infractions. that means that these people will have criminal records that could only be expunged after a decade. holy shit.


yesterday was game day (mainly braid and guitar hero). and i read quite a bit (still re-reading mort).  we walked to my mom's coffee shop to meet with her for a bit, and acquired a very fancy sushi knife which gd made a point of using (mr smear and i both appreciated that). and i ended the day with a great thunderstone session with vfmp's brother.


an early start this morning and submitting the layout / script for page 11 to the illustrator. playing a bit of lego: batman with mr smear. feeling horrible and throwing up, feeling better a short while later.

feeling like i had made progress with my mobile app just before heading down to the pool for an hour, which was mostly great. we then rushed off to meet with a couple of gd's friends on the promenade, mr smear (with a little motivation) got back on his bike and enjoyed himself (he did pretty well, too, although he did get tired pretty fast). a little while outside newport deli, and i ended the afternoon by spilling orange juice on gd's new dress (made, not bought) so we rushed home to put stain remover on it.

aside from visits from sailor and my mom, and the shower/bedtime routine, i've spent the past few hours totally focused on refactoring the mobile app and i *think* i'm finally at the point that i *thought* i was at earlier. and it's late, and tomorrow's a busy day, so i'm going to bed.

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