
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, June 22, 2020

feeling weekend

as usual, i'm a bit surprised to realize that it's late on a sunday already.

this weekend was mostly awesome. friday was a great day, i got a bunch of stuff done and dusted and i was really happy with the results. dinner at my cousins' was really nice, and there's something about carrying your sleeping kid from the car to the bed at the end of a great evening.

the entire weekend's weather has been miserable, so we've barely gone out except to inspect the car and determine that we're going to have to trade it in...

yesterday was a game day, i got the hang of magic: the gathering arena and spent some time playing lego: harry potter with mr smear, and played with real lego for a bit. in the evening, we settled down to complete the hobbit trilogy.

that was a mistake.

aside from a couple of particularly graphic moments in the first two movies, we felt they were fine for our kid as long as we were watching with him and explaining things. i wish i'd read the reviews from all three movies before beginning, because we felt compelled to complete the story and honestly, it's the most obscenely graphic and horrific violence i think i've ever encountered on film. if the battle sequences were in another movie that wasn't based on a children's book and i was watching with my peers i would have loved it, but i definitely agree with an R rating for this final installment. from a values point of view, i have to say that it was mostly alright but legolas' antics, tauriel's forced romantic relationship and the incredible amount of damage that the main characters were able to withstand made it impossible to take things at all seriously.

so that happened.

shadowslight and i played a couple of games of thunderstone after mr smear went to sleep, i may have lost them both but i was really pleased with my second game!

today was father's day, and it was a good one. from the card delivery while on the can, to an hour or so of mtg arena, to a great family lunch at home and making decent progress with my aws guideline project. the only bummer was mr smear having another "regression", but we have a strategy in place and the internets have been reasonably consoling (it looks like it's not age-inappropriate, at least).

right, i'm done for the night.

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