
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, May 21, 2020


yesterday morning began with a pickup of hebrew children's books across the road from a couple of soldiers who either didn't notice or didn't care, so we were glad for that. i had one main job to do, and my work day involved a variety of tasks distracting me from that one thing until i was totally run down and unfocused... and then i realized that i didn't know if my mother had managed to pick up mr smear's school pack. i walked most of the way there before she called to say she'd got it, so the mission became one of a pleasant exercise and giving away a bunch of energy bars to random beggars. i thought i'd treat myself to donuts on the way home but they were sold out.

i arrived home in time to let the physio in, while she treated gd i taught mr smear some boxing and kicking, which was fun. then it was my turn, and after a quick examination she informed me that i'e got to re-learn how to stand and walk - i've been doing it very wrong. she was horrified by how stiff my neck and lower back were, and spent the rest of my session hurting me.

after dinner / shower / putting mr smear to bed early, i went straight to bed myself (around 8.30pm), zero energy to do any of the things i'd expected to.

i slept well for the first few hours, then woke up feeling bruised, sore and uncomfortable. i feel like i barely slept the rest of the night. 

another early morning walk with mr smear, this morning he karen'd out over some markings on the pavement then became distressed when he saw the ice cream shop closed - i feel like this is the first time he's really registered what lockdown means.

i was pretty productive work-wise today, nystire providing a welcome distraction in the morning, and the afternoon not being quite as mind-numbing as some of the previous days.

dinner and gargoyles, shower, a failed attempt at reading with my mom, and then a miraculous moment reading a book about a sleep fairy which had mr smear relax and drop off in the span of about two pages!

lots of paying bills and cleaning my desk this evening, followed by an episode of rick and morty and now, finally, after a long posting from my phone, going to bed. 

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