
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


i can barely keep track of the days. today was monday. freedom day. but none of us are feeling particularly free at the moment.

this evening we began yom hazikaron, and i spent most of the hour of the live ceremony from latrun with tears streaming down my face. this was a heavy enough day before i had a son who will probably serve when he's old enough.

gd started a point system for him a few days ago, it's been pretty effective... except when it isn't.

the last three days of last week were super-intense, i was overwhelmed and it didn't help that gd and mr smear were having a hard time too. we've been in lockdown for a long time. we're exhausted.

the three of us dancing madly after watching sing last night was fantastic.

mr smear got the hang of hooks and uppercuts today, it was awesome! he totally failed at the jump rope, though, which is frustrating because he pretty much got it the last time we tried.

there's been a lot of toy story 3 going on this past week. we desperately need another ps3 controller as soon as they lift the restrictions enough.

my initial foray into programmable banking has been a success! my initial foray into clearing my paycheque with my new bank? not so much :(

i've allowed myself to get hooked into bacterial takeover again. it's like a mathematical meditation.

the past two weekends have seen two tabletop simulator games of munchkin, the first one i messed up with antisocial behaviour, the second was a lot of fun and i not only won, but got the hang of importing / creating objects and i now have a much greater appreciation for how awesome TTS is!

i've gotten involved with the temple's technical team, and the past few services were a great success but it's been quite an experience learning the etiquette of how to be online in a meeting that's being streamed live...

on friday we received notice that the lockdown, which until now has been bearable largely because we've had use of our building's common areas, is now being enforced fully and we risk fines and arrest if we go down to the garden. so things are now a bit harder than they were before :(

i'm tired. i'm supposed to be "doing stuff" but i really need to go to bed, so i'm doing that instead.

oh! the latest page of the graphic novel is available! i'm loving the artwork but i wasn't happy with the artist's take on the speech layout, it took an hour or two of (for me) hard work to put together a decent outline of what i wanted but the result he returned is excellent and i'm really pleased!

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