
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

another 6 days

our isolation began on the 12th of march, it's now (technically) the 8th of april and we're hearing talk of this lockdown being extended for longer than the next two weeks. we're doing okay. mostly (gd's neck's been causing her a lot of pain for about a week now). in general, we're very fortunate.

work-wise, i've been very frustrated, working with a co-worker who's tough to communicate with and dealing with parts of a system i've no experience with or context for. these three things are coming together to make me feel pretty slow and useless, which is not good. another potential concern is that due to the coronavirus pandemic my employer's dropping our maximum hours to 80%. i guess i'm going to be filling the other 20% with my own projects, which is more of a benefit than a stressor.

on friday evening i got into my sound-engineer neighbour's car studio and recorded three poems i've been trying to get out of my head for years, but the last few months in particular. it was a really cool experience! and humbling. and generally a lot of fun.

i don't know how we'd manage these weeks without toy story 3 (ps3). absolute godsend. and we've been gearing up for our first online pesach seder, which is going to be strange. mr smear's been struggling this past week or so and doing a lot of acting out - mostly towards me, which has felt awful. but between yesterday and today we seem to be getting through to him and this morning i scored a "good morning" in addition to a lot of other nice moments.

i've been investing a lot of time in transferring money again. it saddens me that there's so much incompetence in the financial world. every digital institution i've come across makes the traditional banks look more and more attractive, and i can't stand how useless and backwards the traditional banks are.

con man is bloody brilliant. watching the 2014 teenage mutant ninja turtles with mr smear was a trip. watching willow with him was pretty cool, too, and then suddenly it became insanely violent (i was fine with the troll scene, but then watching people getting shot in the chest with arrows and realizing that... perhaps not so good for a four year old...

his response to willow was to make a sign for his bedroom door that says "no evil queens allowed". i haven't the heart to tell him that if his existing signs that say "no mommies or daddies allowed in the morning" hasn't worked...

oh! on sunday morning vfmp and i spent an hour or two setting up thunderstone on tabletop simulator, which was fun. on sunday night his brother, shadowlights and shadowslight's brother joined us for a thunderstone game that went on until 2am and was great fun!

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