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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

infected with a need to rest

it's been a fascinating 48 hours.


i woke up with a sore throat and a headache. it was to a great email from pg informing me that the caretaker had finally gotten his shit together and she'd made sure that the lawyer had everything she needed. i chased that news by watching trigun while doing laundry: i'm totally digging vash! and i was pleased by the "the future is an open ticket" bit.

i wasn't feeling good at all so i double-checked the clinic times and headed over. they lie! it's not so walk-in on a sunday, i was on time and they apparently didn't have time for me. for next time, call first :S
to sweeten the day, the bus back was hot and really smelly.

i napped with ted videos playing in the background, eventually getting up for tekken. it was that sort of a day, which i don't have very often, where i was wholly occupied with doing nothing of value. i got up to deal with a full kitchen sink, and glanced at the microwave to see that it was 7.15. that's when it hit me: dinner at godmother's at 7.30!


i called to let her know i was only then on my way out, and somehow managed to get there only ten minutes late. dinner was delicious and most of the evening was very pleasant... just the last bit, as i was saying goodbye yang did something stupid that upset his mother and he went full asshole after she flipped.


that kid disappoints me so much sometimes.


i got home to find the heating's on - acknowledged. trigun and rum with hot chocolate made me feel good, good enough to get off my ass and read through the sale contract. i haven't read hebrew legalese in a while, and was amused to find myself sending a list of minor corrections. duty discharged, i went to bed.


at 1.30am my alarm sounded to tell me to call the mortgage bank. the next half an hour was consumed by metadreaming of tekken characters recursively kicking and shattering my dreams. it was colourful and exciting! i eventually got up at 2am, unable to convince myself that i didn't need to make the call.

it was relatively quick and painless regardless of my body's protests, but half an hour later i actually had to get up and make tea to deal with the 'orrible sore throat that began to act up after the call. it would take a while for me to get back to sleep :(


i woke up my usual time, and my throat had gotten worse. the weird part is that as bad as my throat felt, it was overall-health-wise the best i've felt in weeks! i didn't feel that oppressive exhaustion, that completely demoralizing weakness. i mean, i wasn't feeling fantastic either, but relatively speaking i could've danced for joy!

first email of the morning: the buyers have signed the contract and it's on its way to me now. hooray! what an incredible relief ^_^

first stop: the clinic. once again: why tell me an hour when the waiting time is two? i grabbed a cup of coffee and tried to figure out where my appointment referral was (i'd left it at home, which was actually the less awkward of the two alternatives), then returned to do some serious waiting and deep air sharing with the other sick people. my throat felt a bit better after the coffee, fortunately that didn't fool the doctor who diagnosed me with bronchitis. well! i've never tried that before! he also sent me to be tested for mono, but i strongly suspect i don't have that because i felt so much better today.

as i walked out i stopped by the receptionist for a stamp; she spoke to me in french first and i expressed my desire to learn how to speak it. "i'm sorry, i only spoke in french because of the last person who talked to me. i hate french! it's such an ugly language."
holy shit, that's an unpopular sentiment in this province... and she said it loudly in front of all the other patients! i made the international shushing sign, which she conspiratorially made back before stamping my form and wishing me a good day.

i rushed home to pick up the referral and rushed back*, arriving half an hour late for my appointment which would have been delayed by almost exactly half an hour. wonderful! so i pretty much walked straight in to the odd, tiny little room in the back... short story shorter, the doc was more interested in discussing south african politics than he was in examining me. apparently my skin is fine for a 42-year old**.

* on my way back:
i thought the crusty on the three-wheeler was staring at me as he breezed past, but as he approached and sped through the four-way stop i registered that he's handicapped and wondered how he was able to so deftly steer himself onto the highway using only one corner of his peripheral vision.

granted, he did enter it going in the wrong direction.

** for non-regular readers, i'm ten years younger than that

i headed to the hospital for bloodwork, which would take hours. fortunately they have a "nutrition ward" (other places just call it a cafeteria), and they were out of veggie sandwiches but made me a veggie bagel instead. it was delicious! it was a real work of food art. very cool. i chased it down with odwalla (now i've heard of it since i've read jobs' biography) and soon after made it to the drawing station.

"do you have a problem with needles?"
"only if you wiggle one around when it's already in my vein."
i speak from experience. the nurse was really good, the only thing that freaked me out a bit was her drawing the needle out so slowly that i could hear air hissing. i don't care enough to understand the physics of that, something about injecting air into veins killing people in movies raises my hackles. okay, maybe i do care enough. fine, i was just being a big gullible baby. i admit it.

i eventually got home six hours later, did a quick run to the pharmacy for my antibiotics (oh, shit, i forgot - good thing i decided not to put rum in my smoothie thirty minutes ago!), then returned home to catch up on office emails. i passed out after a few, then did some more after a nap. the more i read the less i understand of what's going on there without me.

evening notes:

1. am i really watching breaking bad again? second season, i've heard it's the worst one.

2. i'm blown away by how ugly ios7 is. i mean, like, wow. i think that it's shameful for a company with apple's design core to fail at what it's supposed to do best.

3. this dark chocolate / banana / peach / kiwi / vanilla protein shake can't possibly be as good for me as it tastes.

4. kids doing forty six and 2. absolutely enthralling! watching these children doing something so fantastic inspires in me a profound sense of hope; no matter how much shit the youth of today see and do, they'll also be exposed to such wonders and opportunities as we pre-internets could never dream of. ignoring the pseudoscience, i think puscifer - indigo children is where my goosebumps came from.

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