
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, February 05, 2012


my plan this evening was to get trashed post-french exam and watch a movie or something before crashing. suddenly i remembered that i still have a paper to write, due tomorrow morning, and my boss infiltrated my evening with emergency work that i'm not entirely certain i agree with. and i had some webmaster duties to perform.

the news for the day:

1. my sister got married! and apparently she liked my speech in absentia (^_^)

2. the french exam wasn't as bad as we expected, but that's only really because my dictionary has verb tables and pg's too... i found out the latter about two minutes prior to the exam beginning, so that was quite fortunate =D

an hour and a half, it took me to translate the comprehension bit, and that hour and a half was considered fast by everyone else's standards. what a pointless exam :(

3. work - a whole bunch of "oh, crap". at least i finally got paid for november! i billed them for december and january, spent an hour integrating changes i'd made during the weekend, and as soon as everything was done and i was in a major hurry to get back to my apartment, the boss arrived for a chat.

only when you're *really* in a hurry.

it appears that our ideas of who's responsible for what were incongruous. it appears that he didn't make any use of the testing system i constructed for him, so the live data is being assembled using random test data that i threw in on a whim instead of carefully calculated algorithms. and the company's paying for each and every mistake.

not my problem.

now that i know that it's part of my responsibilities to manage this stuff, i'll do it happily - it's just unfortunate that that wasn't made clear until now.

4. the roof! i arrived home to see the final finishing touches. the asbestos has been removed, 90% of the plumbing has been taken care of, and hopefully that's the last i'll have to worry about this shit. it looks pretty good, too.

that was a lot of cash i slammed down on the table. *sigh*

it was a long day; hopefully i'll finish the paper soon and be able to get some rest.

[edit] should i have mentioned that today was a beautiful, hot, sunny day?

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