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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, February 06, 2012

the end of the conspiracy

i just sent this to co-conspirator because i couldn't rest without some of these words flashing before my eyes: this morning she repeatedly called the pregnant girl a whore because she wasn't cooperating with her desire to make a picnic outside on the grass out of our last lesson.

i'm writing to you because i want you to understand how i feel, and i don't actually want to argue with you about it.

i am deeply disturbed by your attitude: it doesn't matter whether it's
the pregnant girl, who has every right to a normal make-up class regardless of what the rest of us want, or B.A. students in general who had every right to another course with one of our favourite lecturers, or TAs who have a lot more responsibilities than you're aware of and really don't need added pressure and commitments from the university for their measly wages, or even our lecturers who have every right to choose what they want to teach, you seem to think that anyone who doesn't want to do things your way should know better.

for me, you represent everything that is wrong with israeli society -
[a culture of deserving] - and aside from being shocked and disgusted by your behaviour this morning in particular, in general i would rather not have anything to do with someone so selfish and inconsiderate. it's one thing to be egocentric - hell, i'm as self-centred as anyone - but it's quite another to piss all over anyone who doesn't bow down to little miss gets-whatever-she-wants. we're all human beings, each of us with our own lives and our own problems. we're not all here to serve you, nor to be slandered by you.

we really don't need to discuss this. you will be welcome to whatever cooperation you require from me as a fellow student, but i thought i should make it clear that we are no longer friends.

good luck with everything.

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