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Saturday, June 25, 2011

gay rights, new york style

congratulations, new yorkers! now your homosexual community have the right to the same madness as the straight with approval for same-sex marriages... i've talked about this before.

in response to a comment from a friend of mine:
"it's a good thing we don't allow same-sex marriages in israel, it's a jewish country with jewish values. it's bad enough that there are places that sell non-kosher food, we don't need to copy countries like the united states. our differences are what's kept us alive as a nation for thousands of years"

"i understand your position, but i can't agree with it. i don't want to keep the sabbath, i don't want to keep kosher, and yet i still consider myself jewish and this is still my homeland.
gay marriage is not demanding a subversion of the jewish marriage ceremony; what they're asking for is RECOGNITION of their status as a married couple. this has nothing to do with the jewishness of the country.

also - what kept us alive as a nation was anti-semitism. without the hatred of everyone else, we'd have happily assimilated and been no more."

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