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Monday, May 10, 2010


today was exactly the kind of weather, visual and tactile, that post-nuclear caprica looks like in battlestar galactica. ultra-bright, irradiated. and a bit soupy, but that's our own personal touch.


i was called into my SC's office this morning and informed that as i've burned all my leave for the year, i've gone into negatives on the assumption that i'll be released earlier. essentially, i've been asked if i'm willing to pay the army to get out. it's a considerable sum - a bit cheeky, if you ask me - but isn't every bribe?

that took me all of... ummm, let's see now... zero seconds to respond with an enthusiastic "where do i sign?!" :)


later on, my informant confided in me that the request for money is a very good sign - it's the last thing that happens before the authorization goes through. hold thumbs for me!


mother's day began with me tired and slow. the first two topics of the day got me irritated: i can't deal with people who try for zero risk in life, and it pisses me right off to hear that so many israelis get offended by politeness. the argument goes that if i only call somebody up because i need something, then i shouldn't begin the conversation by asking "how are you?".


the morning was consumed by cake - good, good cake, and lots of it - and completing the registration requirements. oh, yeah, and being told i might have to go home early tomorrow. darn. [actually, it would have been awesome if that had happened on any other day, because i'm leaving early for physiotherapy anyway :P]
the official story is that there's some big-wig visit taking place, and nobody wants me around to make things look bad.

quote for the day:
lunch was a bit phallic, although not especially unpleasant. as i sat down, i told the kinder [who'd already begun] "i hope that while you're sitting at your desk and breathing through your mouth as usual, a flying monkey comes through the window and puts his dick in it", to which the religious guy sitting next to him responded by almost choking to death and nystire by getting the giggles.

getting from the base to the psychologist was a mission - not only was it an ugly day (and ashy, too, as there was a fire in the area), but the bus that took more than half an hour to arrive was too full to stop and that messed with the timing a little. i was shocked that the bus terminal i arrived at has absolutely no water or vending machines available for travellers :/


the session was interesting, and she had some very interesting observations to make about my lack of integration between the extremes of my personality. i quite like this woman, and i'm more than a little impressed.

i only regret that i side-tracked myself when discussing relationships with people, and she didn't correct my course. i took the thread from "dealing with things we don't like in those close to us" to "getting to know people", so my homework for next week is to remember to begin there :P

a question that popped into my head on my way out: am i a spiritual paedophile? i don't think so. as much as i like coaching, i prefer hanging around with my superiors to being with my peers, and i far prefer my peer group to people who have yet to figure themselves out.


i walked past stop st. and couldn't help but take a photo on the way to the bus.
i made my way to the primary base, and delivered my consent to bribe as close as i could (to the office next door with a post-it), said hi to my informant and walked home.

as i came out of the park i saw someone sleeping in their car with the engine running. it makes sense - it was too hot to sleep without the airconditioner, but i figure it would be less wasteful and polluting to walk the hundred metres to the park and lie down in the shade somewhere. i didn't want to wake him, though, and i only thought of leaving him a note when it was too late to do so :P

i peeled off my uniform and hopped a bus to urchin's art school (her lack of navigation skills got me running around a bit until i found it :P), and after seeing an interesting (although not inspiring) exhibition we walked back into town. i was in a very strange mood, and went to bed very soon after arriving at home.

what's all this sleeping about?!

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