
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, December 28, 2009


today began with vampire dreams that were extremely personal and very unsexy. i was contemplating contemplating it...

the thought for the day stems almost directly from hillman:
when i don't allow place within myself for all the darkness of my soul, it finds expression in projection on others. perhaps if everyone could accept and contain their entireties, we would have no more need for war?

another thought: if we're not exercising higher order functions when we dance or pray, does that make it a counter-productive form of meditation? i think not, but that's what i understood from one of his statements... and that will be contemplated. possibly while stomping ;)

smile for the day: only a couple more days to masses of beautiful, smiling, dirty bouncing people taking reality outside for a stroll ^_^

    the list:
  • i forgot to mention a flashing neon sign that amused me the other day: "sand moneygram" - nice one, very desert-y :)
  • phone trauma - nystire copied something to my phone, which began behaving badly (stuck, with weird screen artifacts) as soon as we disconnected. i found this to be rather stressful, but after a bit of playing it came back to life...
    for some reason, i'm terrified of having to get my phone serviced. [see 8th-20th of may]
  • the breakfast pastry had nasty results. i'm certain i said a while back that i wouldn't take the risk again :(
  • i felt a bit ill today. that may or may not have been related to the previous bullet.
  • nystire and i were walking next to each other; just before we turned out of the corridor i made a motion to smack him and we walked, attacking and blocking, straight into nyah-nyah. nyah-nyah was armed, took one look at us and gripped her m16. we didn't hesitate, splitting in opposite directions to hide in the corridor - then we all laughed, and carried on :P
  • an encounter with a bureaucratic attitude to a non-acquisition put my back up, and placed me squarely in sales mode. i think in the end we'll get what we want, but we had to fight for it. i don't see why.
    [the meeting was a bitch. my eye was irritated, a gnat was annoying all of us, and i'm convinced that the heater was set to 30+]
  • i probably shouldn't be too friendly with the new, kinda-cute girl in our unit. she seemed a little too enthusiastic when i made a friendly comment...

my eyes are killing me. fortunately, they're good enough to have allowed my mind to be blown by avatar - WOW! the story was stock hollywood, good, but i believe the visual pleasure outweighed any potential grievances. i think i enjoyed it even more having read the wired article on its creation.

it was decided that the ex-team-mate i went to see it with and i would meet up on blades / bicycle and return so that he could use the open ticket i had. as i hit the park, i got a call letting me know that the tuesday group was meeting ten minutes later...
we got lost in the park (it was absolutely amazing - palpable mist and smooth sailing), and after sort-of sorting out the ticket we tried to catch up to the group.

we didn't make it, but it was a fun mission anyway. i stopped over at his place for seriously spicy soup, and then bladed home, having a quick chat with the chef and his ex on the way and then trying to be helpful to the people who had an accident nearby.

now that i've hung up laundry, burned and watched out of the corner of my eye a little bit of the director's cut of the woodstock documentary, i'm hitting the hay. i sent my TL an sms earlier letting him know i'll be arriving late in the morning, and requesting his approval - no response. oh, well, i can only assume he was already in bed ;)

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